SMG4: A Day In The Life Of Mario And Meggy

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The Courtyard of Princess Peach's Castle:

It's a gorgeous day in the Mushroom Kingdom, the sky is a beautiful blue and there isn't a single cloud in sight. The air is calm, it's a wonderful atmosphere. A few months have passed since the tragedy of Anime Island occurred. Mario and his friends have done their best to move on after Desti's life was mercilessly taken by Sephiroth. SMG4 was back on his computer for a majority of the day, examining and creating memes that only he finds funny. Bob and Fishy Boopkins watched anime all day while arguing about who was the true "scholar" on whichever anime happened to be on. Chris and Swag had decided to join the U.S. Military for new endeavors. Saiko explored the Mushroom Kingdom, hoping to gain more attention. Axol vowed to continue his life's work and create his very own anime, Two Piece. Luigi went back to doing whatever it is he did before that fateful day. Life had mostly returned to normality for them; all except for Meggy.

Meggy had begun leaving her apartment in Inkopolis less after their defeat of Francis. She was feeling conflicted about her new body, she just couldn't get a grasp on who she was. She just could not find it within herself to leave; she was starting to become a recluse. Meggy's friends tried to cheer her up as best they could. Unfortunately, however, she was not showing very many signs of improvement with her friends encouraging her. There is one exception, a familiar red plumber.

For reasons unbeknownst to Meggy, Mario didn't have to try to make her feel better. His natural "talent" of being stupid just made her laugh at even the most dire times. Meggy had begun noticing that she was feeling different whenever Mario was with her. It was always the same story, her heart would begin racing whenever his name was mentioned. She would always perk up at even the smallest glimpse of his red hat. She knew that she had feelings for Mario, but didn't know what to do. On account of who he was, she could never be certain that he would know what to do upon confession. She didn't have time to think about that, though, she had to start getting ready for Mario's visit. Mario usually came around to visit Meggy around the same time every day to cheer Meggy up, he never failed to show up on time. Meggy found herself longing for Mario's presence after he had gone.

"Come on, come on!" Meggy thought to herself while looking at a clock that displayed 9:59. "Just one more minute!"

Shortly after the clock had changed it's face to show 10:00, she heard a knock that was reminiscent of the classic Super Mario Bros. overworld theme. She wasted no time in opening the door to greet her best friend.

"Hey, Meggy! May I come in?" Mario asked, just as he did every other day he visited, to which Meggy obliged with enthusiasm. The duo would usually hang out from 10:00 in the morning to 9:00 at night. During his visits, they usually just talked but on rare occasions, played video games together.

One particular day, however, everything was going the same as usual. Mario had come around 10:00 as promised and the two did their usual things: they talked, they laughed, they just had a grand time. Mario had begun feeling something peculiar, Mario's heart had begun developing a tingly feeling. This feeling was foreign to Mario, almost as foreign as exercising. The red clad plumber was able to brush the feeling off, seeing as he was invested in their gaming session.

"Ooh, get ready to see Mario's tunnel of doom, mama-fucker!" was heard during a match in Super Smash Each Other In The Ass Bros.

"Sorry, Red, not this time!" Meggy retorted before getting a kill.

"God dammit! This is bullshit!" Mario has screamed, being ever so graceful.

"Woomy! Better luck next time!" Meggy said, ever more compassionately to a still raging Mario.

"Oh, mama-mia. Mario's got to use both brain cells for this!" said Mario in an attempt to sound like a modern day Einstein.

Meggy couldn't help but laugh to the point of tears. For how stupid Mario was, Meggy always loved his antics. Mario didn't even have to try to make her laugh, he just had to be himself. There was just something about Mario's idiocy that made her heart sway.

"Come on, 'Genius'! Let's see what you got!" Meggy teased after regaining her composure.

"Fuck you! Mario's got 4 IQ!" was all Mario could say in response to the ex-inkling's banter.

Just then, Mario began feeling something he knew so well.

"I'mma hungry! Can we have some spaghetti? Please? Please?" Mario pleaded.

"Sure thing, Red!" Meggy said ecstatically.

"Oh boy! Let's-a go! Let's-a go!" Mario rejoiced, almost knocking Meggy over in an attempt to move her out of her apartment.

"Mario? Where are we going?" Meggy asked in shock.

"Oh, Mario's gotta go ask Luigi for money to buy spaghetti!"

"Oh, we're going to see Luigi? It's been a little while! Sure!"

Mario had begun whooping in excitement at the prospect that he would soon be eating spaghetti. He would often day-dream about eating his favorite meal, just as he had always done. However, as of late, Mario's day-dream fantasies had changed from what they've always been. He usually only visualized himself "romancing" the dish. Recently, his visions had morphed and changed to eating at a fancy restaurant with a certain orange haired girl. He often just ignored the change, being blinded by his hunger. He had no idea of it, but he was developing a crush on Meggy.

Meanwhile, far away from Inkopolis...

???: Were you able to find that red baka?

A figure, saying nothing, nodded in conformation.

???: Yes, yes! Soon that idiot will feel the wrath of the Great Francis!

Unbeknownst to any of them, the SMG4 gang were about to have their lives on its head permanently. A storm was heading their way, and a nasty one at that.

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