SMG4: Goodbye. (Epilogue)

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January 19, 2020

It was a cool day in the Mushroom Kingdom, beautiful weather for any outdoor activity. Unfortunately, the SMG4 gang had a funeral to attend that day. It was the funeral of one Luigi Mario, who had passed away a week prior at the hands of Francis. They knew it was the right thing to do, to give one of their best friends a proper send off. Luigi's friends decided that they would share their favorite memories and personal experiences they had with the fallen hero. SMG4 was the first to have enough strength to walk up to the podium and share his piece.

"Well, uh, I can't believe we're doing this so soon," he started off, dazed about being at the funeral for one of his closest friends, "I met Luigi nine years ago, and our friendship was strong from the very beginning. Luigi was the kind of person to brighten up your day, even if it was the worst you've ever had. I'll never forget his Halloween costume from two years ago, he claimed he was Batman, but I still say he was a trash bag. Man, I had so many great memories of him; I'm really going to miss him. Thanks for the memories, Weeg," finishing his piece, SMG4 wiped away his tears and left the podium.

Next to step up to the podium was Tari.

"Luigi and I have known each other for a year now. He was such a fun guy to hang around with! He was also very fond of Archibald! He was always willing to play Super Smash Each Other In The Ass Bros with me. One of the earliest memories I have with him was going to that convention! It was one of the best days of my life, well, until Waluigi turned everyone into T-pose zombies" she said before shuddering, "but Luigi is one of the reasons that day was so fun! I'll never forget him," she said before leaving the stand looking down at the ground.

On her way to the podium, Meggy gave Tari a hug to comfort her.

"Red introduced me to Luigi about three years ago. We've gone on many adventures throughout the years, but my favorite has to be our Wild West outing. We fought The Wah Gang and got them locked up for good! I am so thankful to have had Luigi on Splatsquad, and it hurts me to know he only played with us once. Rest well, Luigi,"

The next speaker came as a shock to everybody, Saiko Bitchitaru stood up and took the stand.

"I will always be fond of Luigi; he was the only person who saw I needed help and actually did something about it. Because of him, I can actually tolerate you. I just wish I could have said th- th-" Saiko struggled getting the words out, she knew it was the right thing to do but she became so emotional remembering how Luigi tried getting her to say it before. She broke down and cried, much to her dismay, "Dammit! I promised myself I wouldn't cry! Anyway, I have to say thank... you, Luigi," and with that, the last speaker rose up to take her place.

"Luigi was Mario's brother, but he was so much more than that! Luigi was one of Mario's best friends. He always made the best spaghetti. Oooo, spaghetti.... Wait, where was I?" he asked, earning a few chuckles from the mourning friends, "Oh yeah, Luigi was one of a kind; my only regret is being a jackass to him, and everyone else; I'm sorry. If there's one memory Mario will never forget, it would be last year's Splatfest training. When we first started, Luigi was so scared! Soon enough, Mario helped calm Luigi down enough and he started having fun! You know, for the last few months, Luigi wouldn't stop talking about how excited he was for the up-coming Splatfest; he was really looking forward to it. It will be Mario's mission to win for him, and honor him and Desti!" Mario said triumphantly.

After Mario concluded his speech, the friends gathered around Luigi; to give one final goodbye to their friend. They all walked up to the casket and placed sentimental items to be with Luigi for eternity. SMG4 put Luigi's favorite magazine that Glitchy gifted him, Tari left her Link hat from the convention, Meggy left the Splattershot he used during Splatfest, Bob and Boopkins left their favorite animes, Saiko placed Luigi's pamphlet on being a nice person that he gave her, but Mario was finding difficulty leaving his item. He couldn't bring himself to place his parting memory in the coffin; it was so hard to let go of. He clutched Luigi's hat tightly and hugged it, sobbing his eyes out. He knew it was the right thing to do, but it was so precious to him. He finally worked up the courage to place his cap with his brother.

"Here's your hat, bro; you look great in it," he said, gazing at his brother lovingly.

After placing his hat with his brother, Mario closed the casket; sealing his brother off from the rest of the world forever. He had begun crying onto the closed lid, feeling a new sense of emptiness from Luigi's absence. Meggy saw this and softly gave him a hug, offering nothing but a shoulder to cry on. After Mario had calmed down, the group decided it was time to send Luigi to sea. Carefully, they moved the casket containing him into the water, ready for Mario to send him off. He hesitated, taking a moment to prepare himself mentally. With one final deep breath, he pushed the coffin out to sea, forever to ride the waves and float freely.

"Goodbye Luigi, I'm sorry I couldn't save you. We will win Splatfest, for both of you!" Mario said before leading everybody in a salute.

The gang watched as Luigi floated peacefully out to sea, carried by the soft hand of the ocean. Luigi had finally been laid to rest. As Mario and his friends walked back to their homes, they were being observed by a familiar face.

"Thanks guys, I love you all," a green clad man said, touched by the memories of his friends.

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