Chapter Twenty One: Back To The Flame

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It had been about a week since Victoria had stormed the castle of Witches and Gabriel has shown no signs of progress whatsoever. Santara had done what was asked of her and kept him safe and kept a watchful eye on him. Not letting anyone near him until Victoria had returned. Since her return however, Victoria had begun planning the attack against Auroras Kingdom. She would have to be smart if she was going to take down the entire Kingdom that was almost completely fortified. Because, while it looked beautiful and delicate, it had been seiged many times before. Which means that constant improvements had been made over the course of several years making it almost unpentratable.
Victoria looked down at a map of the area, trying to figure out the best angle for an attack. She had locked herself in her room so that she wouldn't be disturbed. A familiar sound crackles behind her and she Sighs " Shawn what are you doing here" Shawn had not seen Victoria since the last time they fought together. And Victoria was too focused on the map to even bother looking behind her where he had appeared. " I had to take care of things. Back home. I heard about Gabriel " Shawn stepped foward so that he could also get a better look at the map.
" Victoria. You know how much he means to me.." he places his thing bony hands on the table. " I know Shawn. I know. He is in his room if you'd like to see him. Santara will let you through. Just...try to understand..he isn't the same as the last time you saw him. " Shawn looked down at the map, twirling his finger across the table.
" Victoria. The reason I am here is because...dont you think you are making a really quick move here. I mean..I'm not saying you can't be angry. Hell. I'm angry about this too. But..if we are going to go after people. I think we should invest in going after the right people. And to me, it seems like going after the Aurora is way too obvious " Victoria gently pounds her fist onto the table and finally looks up. " What are you talking about Shawn? Who the hell would we go after then?
Shawn  Let's back down at the map, he had been thinking on this for sometime and thinks he has a basic idea of how things should be handled. " I think, we should wait. And before you get mad, allow me to explain why " at the very least he has Victoria's attention.
"  Yes, your people have a been attacked. Yet attacked. Someone attacked the woodlands. And someone also infested your people with a disease. But it seems to me that they're trying to direct you towards the witches. Which to me seems a little too deliberate. Why would they want you to focus so much on the witches unless they wanted you to keep your attention away from something else" Victoria thinks on this for a moment. "   Surely, you are not implying that someone from our Kingdom has something to do with all of this.  I'm sorry Shawn,  But there are just no indicators for that. Now I don't know what Kara has got going on with Pierce, and to be honest with you I don't care. But it feels like their alliance is definitely benefiting Both sides a lot more than it is ever even remotely helping us..
And another thing, why the hell would Queen Aurora consistently turn around and ignore us especially when we need help. No, not just anyone Because if it was just anyone and particular from our tribe, maybe that would be understandable.  But we are talking about the man that she personally selected, to have watch over her daughter. The man, that she owes so many things to and has yet to repay him on any. Is the same man, who is lying in his bedroom right now, dying, and as a need of magical aid to which Aurora is not providing. She gives no real reasons for this other than red tape. But at the end of the day if she wanted to help she would. But she doesn't. Which is kind of ironic considering that this would have never happened if she had helped the first time period but she didn't do that either, even when he directly himself asked her to"
Victoria of course was bringing up a lot of good points, but Shawn still felt as though things were being misconstrued  in some way and did his best to get that across to Victoria. "  Shawn,  I have an immense amount of respect for you. Especially after fighting alongside of me. So I promise you that I'm going to take what you say under advisement. And by that, I'm going to keep it in mind when I know that my temper is rising.  But, this doesn't excuse what has happened" Victoria looks back down at the map.
" Okay but what if I go talk to her. What if I find out what is going on? Would you at least be willing to delay the war for a little. Just until I can find out the truth. And if what you say is true, then I will say no more and let you have it."
Victoria looks back up and nods "  I will delay it, but I do have a question. Why didn't you go to them first and find out before you even came to me? " Shawn turned around, away from Victoria.
Because he was not just my friend. He was like a brother to me. And if I find out that what you say is true. The Lycans are going to be the least of the Witches problems " And with that Shawn dissapears.

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