Chapter Fourty Four: The Last Queen

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Kara finally manages to lift herself from Gwen's body and lift Gwen up in her arms " I'm sorry..I failed you too" Kara's tears fall down onto Gwen's body.
She makes her way to the throne room where she is greeted by an unwelcome sight.
" You know, I could be wrong. But I could swear that we are in competion on killing the ones you love " Santara cocks her head to the side as she notices the body in Kara's hands.
" I see you found my plaything. She was fun " Santara grinned. Kara turned and placed Gwen on the floor and stepped off to the side of her.
" It was you, wasn't it? " Kara says with a stone cold face and eyes of pure void.
" Who killed your girlfriend? Of course it was. Had some trouble picking her from my teeth. Tough little vampire bitch" Santara slides her nail between her teeth.
" Gabriel didn't attack my mother. It was you. " Kara reaches down in her pocket and proceed to pull out a hair tie.
" Damn right it was. And I'll do it again. But it sure was fun leaving you to think that Gabriel would do that. He may be cold but he isn't that cold. He is like Victoria was, Too much of a Pussy to go the extra smile. Sure, they were excellent warriors. But they couldn't do the things that I can do. The things that I will do. The things I have done " She mocks as Kara reaches up and ties her hair back into a ponytail.
" Santara, do you remember the last time we fought? And I killed your sister? That was an accident but this time. It will not be"  Kara's eyes glow green again, similar to earlier but even more fierce as she raises her hands with flames trailing behind them.
" Fucking come on. Show me what you've got " Santara mocks as she shifts into her wolf form.
As Kara, stands there, gathering her energy, the floor proceeds to crack beneath her. The walls of the Hall begin to warp, the ceiling shatters into a million Pieces but remain floating in mid air.
" I'm not scared bitch" Santara growls and begins charging at Kara who raises her hands up, forcing the rubble from beneath the floor to shoot up. Santara does her best to dodge the pieces but gets her leg caught on one of the small rocks. She flips over and lands right of Kara who stares down her, with an expression that sent fear deep within the pit of the wolfs stomach. " Sit Puppy.." Kara places her foot on the back of Santaras neck and forces her foot fown slamming Santara's  head through the remaining pieces of rubble, crushing her skull instantly. " Good Girl.."

Gabriel lays still in his bed, as the group watches on. They now knew the truth. But as to wether Kara would believe it or not..they weren't sure. They knew Gabriel would need to know as well, but didn't know how Long it would take him to recover. " I can stay with him. I'll keep him safe " Raven assures. " Shawn. You and Lysette should go to Kara.  At the very least, you can both try to explain things to her..." Raven knew that she had to stay behind. She wasn't completely done with Gabriel, and would need to stay with him to ensure his safety in case another attack were to happen.
" I'm assuming she went back to her home" Shawn looks back to Lysette who nods. " I'm going to assume so. But there is a chance we will run into Aurora and if we do. They we have to be prepared to fight" Lysette warns. " Do what you have to do..both of you " Raven says and then turns back to Gabriel. " Come on Gabriel..we need you back"

" Kara.." a voice calls from behind her. Kara turns around to see her mother standing before her. "MOM!" Kara runs to Aurora and embraces her tightly. " Santara broke into my room..and attacked Gwen. I managed to come to recover just in time to escape. But I think she is still here.." Aurora looks behind Kara and sees the lifeless body of Santara. " You did killed her? " Aurora smiled and hugged Kara back tightly.
" I was so scared I had lost you too" Kara sobbed into Aurora's shoulder. " Step away from her Kara.." Shawn calls from behind Kara. " What?" Kara turns around. " We know the truth Aurora" Shawn informs her. " You didn't think you could keep it a secret it forever did you" Lystette adds.
Kara backs away from Aurora and looks too Lysette. " What are you two even talking about? "Kara asked as she looked back to her mother.

" Your mother Killed Gabriel's parents. Because she could never forgive them for not helping her save your father" Lysette explains and proceeds to explain to Kara everything that she had shared with Raven and Shawn earlier.
" That..there is..that doesn't make any sense. " Kara tries to reason. " If that were true that would mean I'm a fucking Vampire. Or at least a half breed" Kara had so many doubts about what they were telling her but the sounded so sure of themselves.
" It is true Kara.." Aurora answers from behind her. " Your father was a vampire. And you are a half breed. That is why, the Vampiric spells that Pierce casted didn't work on you. You are immune to it. And that is why you resist damage more than a normal witch. Why do you think you have been able to survive such strong blows and attacks? " it made so much sense but none at the same time. This was something Kara was not ready to know.
" And yes. I killed Gabriel's parents. I did so because they actively ignored our pleas for help. They let your love..die. And did nothing to help. That is why I never wanted to Aid the Lycan Kingdom"

" And that is why you wanted to let Gabriel die. You knew that he would Marry Kara and Unite the Underworld. But that no longer mattered to you. It wasn't enough. You wanted Gabriel to die because he wasn't good enough for your Kara. And you played the role of loving mother so well. You even opposed the marriage between Kara and Pierce..but there were reasons for that too. Wasn't there? " Lysette called out.

" Pierce and his whole family had to die. They had too. They were also responsible for my loves death. He was the son of the man who ordered the death of my husband. And so yes, I couldn't stand for it. Of course I couldn't. I fucking loathe them for what they did. And that is also why I killed Gwen.. Filthy fucking worm touching my daughter. She was never worthy. None of them are.. None of them deserve her" Aurora admitted.

"  It has never been about what I want. It was about what you want for me" Kara replied. " All of this time. I thought, you were looking out for me. But no. It was all about you. It always has been" Kara turns to face her mother. " I almost killed Gabriel because of you. I lost Gwen because of you. You knew every decision before I made it. You knew and you let it happen" Kara's begin to glow.

" What? Are you going to kill me? Are you going to kill your mother? I offered my life to Gabriel in the past and he didn't take it. He didn't want it" Aurora points out.
"Gabriel didn't know what you did. You took even more from him than I ever could. I use to blame myself for his parents death and was you the entire time. For what? Because of something he had nothing to do with. For something his parents could not have controlled. I never knew my father, I've never had one. But what I do know, is that if he was anything like me. He would be ashamed and angry. But I'm not going to kill you. I will leave you for Gabriel to decide what to do with you. " Kara raises her hands which sends out energy that surrounds Aurora. Aurora levitates above the ground as the energy forms a sphere around her and shrinks. Trapping Aurora with it which lands in Kara's hands" She turns around to Shawn and Lysette who are shocked by Kara being able to do what she had just done.
" Take this Gabriel. And let him decide what to do with her" Shawn waves his finger in response. " No. You are going to take it to him. You will both decide together since it affects both of you"
Kara looks down at the green orb in her hands. " Fine.." she closes her hands and agrees to go back to The Lycan Kingdom.

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