Chapter Twenty Eight: Family Matters

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It had not taken long for The group to telport back to Ravens tiny little Shack in the woods. They were on the run. And whilst they were safe for the time being, they each had a sense of overwhelming dread.
" What did you mean about the Blud..thing?" Aurora asked as she continued tending to Kara who was layed out on a straw bed. Raven looked at Shawn who proceeded to explain.
" I'm sure you are aware. Gabriel is the strongest of his kind. And there is a reason for that" Shawn looks down at Kara whose body is broken. He practically destroyed her mind, body and spirit.
" What you might not be aware of however is that Gabriel was born during what is Typically known as a blood moon on earth. Now whilst, moons usually don't effect Lycans all that much. Gabriel's parents, had researched into it and developed this obsession with the idea that a Lycan being born during one of these phases would actually increase his natural gifts. When a blood moon is in effect, All the world's energy is heightened. Everything is over sensitive. They had planned his birth for years and managed to time it just right. Now, whilst they were correct in assuming that he would be naturally gifted, there were also some side effects" Queen Aurora looked on, having a hard time believing that Gabriel's parents would do such a thing. She knew his parents very well. They came across as the type to care about such things.
" The side effects are basically that whilst he can shift, when his emotions run high, or he is mentally suffering, his shifting reacts on its own. Shifting his abilities, his hungry, his animalistic nature proceeds to become shared in his human form. This can be made worse by staying in his human form as it causes an unstable reaction in his body. His wolf form, is the release of that tension and animalistic instinct. But containing all of that in a human form for an extended period of time, would start to make him lose control. In order to control it, he needs to have control over his emotions and mind. Intense control that for the most part he possesses. But staying in human form so many years on earth, and then coming back here only to have a mental breakdown after being tortured..made him lose that control" Shawn explains as Raven intervenes. " And I had been making concoctions for his parents to give to him. If you remember Queen Aurora, you found me with some of them. You called it Black Magic and banished me for it. I was just trying to help him. The concoctions were to ease the pains and help him retain focus long enough for him to get back to the Underworld. And he hasn't had any since. I'd imagine he is becoming tolerant of the serum by now, it wasn't perfected" Raven explains which makes Aurora think back on the day that she exhiled Raven.

There was at one time, when Raven was one of the most promising witches in all of Auroras Kingdom. She was naturally gifted with a wealth of knowledge and could learn spells almost instantly. Queen Aurora had taken a liking to her and wanted to help her excel. Even going so far as to offering training to Raven at one time.
But then, one day, she found Raven, cutting her own arm and dripping her blood into a mysterious vile. And Queen Aurora knew that Blood was usually associated with a foreign magic. Witches had no need for the use of blood In their spells. So much so that it was forbidden to be used.
So when she discovered Raven, whilst she probably should have walked away, instead, brought her to trial. She questioned her what the vile was for but Raven refused to answer. Aurora didn't have it in her heart to execute her. Instead, she exiled her to lands far away from the kingdom. Leaving Raven to fend for herself. There had been so many times where Aurora had regretted this decision.   And now, here they are again. For the first time since she exiled her, and Aurora was at a loss for words.
" If you had told me that it was for Gabriel I could've " Aurora tried to reason but Raven waved it off. " No. You did what you had to do. I couldn't give out the information because Gabriel's swore to me to never tell anyone. And I kept my word" She answered.

" So Gabriel. He has lost control over his wolf form is what you are saying more so or less? " Aurora asked to keep the conversation going. " Kind of. He is obviously extremely upset about what Kara did. He also is made with you Aurora. And with the Bluddavine..he is stronger, faster and yet more unstable. After the trauma he faced. We would either have to get the serum in him. It probably wouldn't work by now or we could wait until he comes back from his shock. But that could take years. Hell, he may never get over it. And that entire time, he will probably be hunting you and Kara down" Shawn explains as he sits down in the chair at the table.

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