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Yeji nervously fidgeted with one of the belt loops on her black pants as she sat in the café. Her right leg continuously bounced up and down, the speed increasing as time passed. She had been nervous about meeting up with Lia ever since they had decided to do so, worried that she may mess up and that Lia will be disgusted and never want to see her again and that she'll hate her and-

"Ow!" A slightly stinging sensation near her right knee broke her train of thought. Rubbing the spot, she looked up and frowned. "What is wrong with you?!"

"A lot of things," Hyunjin shrugged. "Now, stop worrying about messing up, you know you're good at photography and won't mess up also, if you do mess up, she won't be disgusted and she's definitely not gonna hate you." 

Yeji groaned in annoyance. "I hate twin telepathy."

Although she had stopped shaking her leg when Hyunjin slapped it, barely a few minutes later, it started again. Hyunjin looked down from his phone screen at the the slightly shaking table and sighed. "Dude, stop."

Yeji frowned at him again. "Why are you here anyways?"

"Waiting for my boyfriend to show up. We have a date today." 

Yeji huffed and crossed her arms. "And I thought someone decided to give emotional support to his sister for once."

Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "I may be your brother, but I don't care that much about you."

"Wow, I'm hurt."

"Like I said, don't care."

While the twins were bickering, they didn't notice three figures show up at the café until they were standing near there table. One of them softly cleared their throat, attempting to grab their attention and succeeding. The two looked up, both reacting the same way, but with different intensity.

Hyunjin was slightly surprised to see Jeongin standing quietly behind Seungmin. He opened his mouth to ask but stopped when Seungmin signaled him that he'll tell later. He slightly nodded and turned to say bye to his sister. However, the look on her face made him snort mentally.

Yeji was staring at Lia, her mouth literally hanging open. The girl in front of them was, in real life but especially in Yeji's eyes, absolutely gorgeous. Everything about her, the way her hair was tied up in a ponytail, the way her pale blue frock went perfectly with her sneakers, the way her camera bag hung by her side, the way her eyes had disappeared as she smiled at Yeji, everything made Yeji fall even harder.

"You're drooling," a voice whispered in her ear. She snapped and quickly reached up to her mouth, only to find it perfectly dry. She scrunched up her nose and swatted her brother away, who just snickered at her and left with the two boys. She was still glaring after her twin when she heard a soft voice, "Hey."

Immediately, her attention snapped from Hyunjin to the girl in front of her. She averted her eyes to the floor and smiled, awkwardly rubbing her neck. "Hi."

It was quiet for a few moments before Lia spoke up, gently rocking back and forth on her feet. "Shall we go outside?"

Yeji looked at her. "Yeah, uh, yeah sure, lemme just take my camera real qui- where's my camera?"

Yeji began looking around the table, worried it fell down. When she didn't find anything, she frowned and stood up. "I swear I kept it here," she mumbled to herself. She looked up to tell Lia about this, when she noticed a hand waving in the distance over the girl's shoulder. 

Or to be more specific, Hyunjin's hand. With a gray camera bag in his hand.

'......I'm seriously gonna murder my bitch of a brother someday.'

"So, I'm guessing you forgot your camera?"

Yeji looked at Lia, panicking. "Nononono it's just that I...yeah! I couldn't bring it because I didn't charge it, I lost my charger, sorry."

Lia smiled cutely. "It's okay, you can use mine."

Yeji felt her cheeks slightly heat up. "O-okay."


"Innie is spending the day with us."

Hyunjin looked at his boyfriend, face showing surprise. He immediately started to protest. "But, Minnie, it's our date! If he comes-" 

The look on Seungmin's face instantly made Hyunjin shut up. He slowly shifted his gaze to the youngest some distance behind Seungmin. He was standing there, looking down at his softly shuffling feet. Although Hyunjin couldn't see his face properly, his body language told him that he was slowly starting to feel guilty.

"He is spending the day with us, you like it or not. Also, you will behave." Seungmin's tone scared Hyunjin, and he nodded.

Seungmin smiled and turned around. "Come on, Innie. We're going to Han River for a picnic. Coming?"

Jeongin closed his eyes and opened them again before looking up. 'I knew this was a bad idea.'

"Y-you guys can go. I don't wanna be a third wheel, I-I'll go and trouble Channie hyung in his studio." He forced a smile on to his face, but the two boys in front easily noticed his eyes tearing up, and Hyunjin's heart hurt. He never wanted to be the cause of someone's tears, not even his own sister's, and here he was. He mentally slapped himself.

"Innie, I'm sorry, I'm an idiot for saying that. Of course you won't be third wheeling, come on." He left Seungmin's hand and went to Jeongin. Cupping his face, he wiped the small tears which had managed to escape his eyes. He hugged him tight. "Please don't cry..."

Hyunjin had expected Seungmin to be jealous or even mad at him for doing this, but, to his surprise, he felt him join their hug. He smiled happily and, freeing one arm, wrapped it around Seungmin as well.

Jeongin was taken aback by the sudden action. It took him a moment to register the sudden hug. When he did, he reluctantly lifted his arms and wrapped them around the other two.

'O mai god they're hugging me holy shit I can't believe that stupid plan actually worked-'

Finally, the three pulled apart and Hyunjin smiled. He dramatically flourished his hand forward. "Let us commence forth, my fellow humans, the river awaits."

Seungmin playfully smacked him on the arm, earning a soft 'ow' from his side. Jeongin giggled, and the two boys looked over at the younger one, both smiling fondly.

Softie Hyung // Minsung [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now