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"Hyung can we watch Tangled please please pretty please pretty please with cherry on top"

Chan smiled fondly and ruffled the taller boy's hair. "Of course, Innie. But you need to shower first."

Jeongin's eyes sparkled with happiness. He nodded and skipped towards the bathroom, clothes clutched tightly in his hands.

Hyuntae had dropped them off at a small but comfy resort style hotel, promising to meet up the next morning. They had four rooms booked for them, three staying in each. Chan was currently preparing the room he, Hyunjin and Jeongin were staying in for the decided movie night before everyone else arrived, throwing a huge blanket and a few pillows on the empty floor near the TV.

Hyunjin, who sat on the bed, rolled his eyes at Chan's softness towards the youngest. "I feel like a third wheel in here."

Chan smirked. "I should be the one saying that."

Hyunjin's gaze dropped down to his phone screen and he muttered, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Chan didn't miss his slightly pink ears, and he chuckled to himself.

Ever since they had reached the hotel room, Chan had multiple times caught Hyunjin seeking (not so well) hidden glances at the blue haired boy. Each time he did so, a small subconscious smile would break out on his lips.

Of course, Hyunjin wouldn't accept it whenever Chan pointed that out.

Just then, the bell to their shared hotel room rang. Hyunjin got up and answered the door, and, falling in the outstretched arms of the person in front of him, sighed dramatically.

"Minnie, thank god you're here. Chan hyung and Jeongin are being all lovey-dovey, and I constantly feel like I'm third wheeling."

"Look who's talking," Chan retorted from the other side of the room, and was, as always, ignored.

Poor guy.

Seungmin grimaced. "Tell me about it. Changbin hyung won't stop staring at Lix, and whenever their eyes meet, they turn into tomatoes. The tension is suffocating."

Hyunjin sighed again. "Why aren't we both staying in one room instead?"

"Because," a female voice replied from behind Seungmin, making Hyunjin groan. "If you two stayed together, then it would have wayyy worse for the person staying with you."

Hyunjin stepped back from the door. "Hyung, why'd you call her?"

"Because she's your sister? And my friend?"

Hyunjin whined. "But still why-"

He flinched sharply when he felt a strand of his hair being yanked out. "I was kidnapped barely a few days ago, bitch."

Hyunjin scowled. "Dried seaweed"

"Ken doll looking headass"

Hyunjin huffed and stepped aside, allowing Yeji and Ryujin to walk in and take a seat on the blanketed floor. Taehyun, Beomgyu, Jisung and Minho followed. Seungmin giggled and hugged his pouting boyfriend to cheer him up.

The door, which had been left unlocked, burst open again a few minutes later, followed by a deep voice whining, "But hyuuuung, you do look good!"

"But Lixie-"

Felix swung around to face Changbin and stopped him by grabbing onto his shoulders with both hands. "Seo Changbin, you sir, are one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen. Fuck anyone who says the opposite. You are amazingly pretty and nothing's gonna change that."

Softie Hyung // Minsung [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now