A battle of sorts

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Loki was becoming extremely irate as he stood in an alley with his arms folded across his chest, giving his usual smug look and grinned.

"it's sad and when I say sad, I mean it's actually pathetic when I see grown ass men attacking a woman." Loki growled as he proceeded to walk towards them.

They all snickered as they watched the dark haired man approach them not perceiving him as an actual threat.

Loki smirked as he looked up to see a woman standing close by that looked identical to him as he turned back around and read their thoughts. "You really have no concept about who or what I am do you?" He looked at the woman with big yellow eyes.

She looked at him and everyone else absolutely terrified, not sure if she should move or stay absolutely still.

For some reason he couldn't quite grasp why, just looking in her eyes and looking at her curves and the swell of her perfect breasts as they rose and fell was arousing to say the least. He looked down noticing his cock was extremely hard. He looked back and noticed the woman from before had vanished.

Amora grinned as she looked at everything and everyone. Loki looked up and noticed her standing there as he held the guy by the throat and without warning he tore his throat open and drained him dry before tossing him in the dumpster like he was a piece of trash.

Amora jumped off the building and landed on her feet like a cat as she grabbed one guy and punched him sending him into the far wall with a loud thud as she smirked. "Seems like you're having issues brother?" She asked as she looked at him.

"What are you doing here Amora? And why aren't you on Asgard?" Loki asked as he looked at Amora.

"Well Odin sent me to Earth to save your ass brother." Amora replied. " Not like you look as though you need it or anything."

"Well while I appreciate your help sister, I'm perfectly capable of handling my affairs." Loki replied gruffly. "Does father know what I am, and let me guess that big dumb oaf thought it would be a great idea to check on me?" He asked.

"No he does not and I'm not telling him a damn thing and yes because Thor didn't and still doesn't trust you Loki." Amora told him. "That and I adore you, I'd never betray your trust and besides that, I have missed you brother."

Ainsley was glad they couldn't see her as she looked at the last man standing in front of her as she looked at them and opened her hand and growled loud enough to make them both turn around and look at her, their eyes as wide as his. "Oh what? You thought I'd let you get by with raping me again you stupid fucker?"

Upon hearing what she had just said, Loki's eyes went from yellow to red in seconds as he snarled.

"Wait!" Amora said. "She needs to do this herself Loki."

Energy appeared in Ainsley's hand as she snarled at the twins before ramming her fist through his chest. "Mmmmmmmm I feel your heart beating, but it won't be beating for long." She said as she grabbed it and ripped it out and showed them as it still beat in the palm of her hand.

Ainsley Hayes screamed as her legs gave out from under her and she started falling.

Loki ran over to the girl and looked at her perplexed as he looked her over to make sure she was ok.

Amora didn't understand why he looked as though he didn't know what to do, how to act or why he even tried to save her in the first place. Hell she didn't quite get why she had even gotten involved as she was not fond of midgardians at all. "You look as though you're about to cry Loki."

"Don't be ridiculous Amora, you and I both know how I feel about humans." Loki grunted. He looked at her closely and inhaled her skin, wanting to take a bite or at the very least ravish her senseless, but it was then that he noticed something strange. A mark on her neck but not just any mark. It was in the shape of two serpents that looked as though they were biting each other's tails.

"Come here and look at this Amora." Loki said as he traced the symbols of her throat as she moaned softly at his touch. Amora walked over and looked at the mark.

"Well I'll be damned." Amora said as she put her hand on his shoulder and grinned. "What? What is it? I mean I know it's my mark..but how? How did she get it?" Loki asked feeling both nervous and mischievous at the same time.

"Hmmmm." He thought. "Maybe I could have some fun with her."

Ainsley woke up and saw the two who had rescued her, looking into two sets of emerald green eyes. "Who, who are you?" She asked as the man spoke up.

"My name is Loki, love. What's yours?" He asked as he smirked, looking at her wanting to feel her body beneath his as he dominated her, but knowing that this wasn't the time or the place.

"My name is Ainsley Hayes." She replied feeling a tad uncomfortable at the way he was looking at her, like she was on the menu.

Loki read her thoughts and smiled before sending some back to her. "If this were any other time or place I would be using every trick I know to seduce you, fuck you and make you scream my name as you came." He snarled as he ran his tongue across her lip as she felt her cheeks flush.

Amora rolled her eyes. "Hi I'm Amora, Loki's twin sister. And Loki you're right about something."

"Enlighten me." Loki said sarcastically.

"This is not the time nor the place. Maybe we should take her home with us and find out more about her before you decide to fuck her senseless." Amora said as she looked at them both.

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