Surtrs rage

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Surtr became absolutely livid as his fortress started to crumble as he knew who was responsible.

"Bring Loki and the whore to me." Surtr said as his guards went in search of them both.

Loki knew they were coming and knew what was about to happen. He sat in his cell as other guards came to collect them as they were taken before surtr and shoved to the floor.

"I think I want you to kill her now, I mean why wait when it can be done sooner rather than later." Surtr growled.

Loki looked at Amythest and grabbed her hair. "You ready to die human?" He asked as he looked in her eyes sending her a mental question. "Do you trust me Ainsley?"

Amythest moaned as she felt him grab her hair as she looked him. "Yes I trust you with all my heart and soul Loki."

Loki looked at Surtr n smirked. "So you want me to kill the whore right? Will that show my loyalty is yours surtr?" He asked with a growl.

"Yes once you have finished her then yes your loyalty will have been proven exponentially." Surtr said with a smug tone of satisfaction as he looked at them with coal black eyes.

Loki pulled amythest up and into his embrace as he looked at her and held her tight. "Time to die now." He said as he moved her collar and bit into her throat,feeling the warmth and tasting the sweetness of her blood as it rolled across his tongue.

Amythest gasped as she felt Lokis fangs pierce her flesh as she moaned softly as she heard loki in her mind. "Do not worry my love for every drop I take from you, I replace it with mine so relax and act as though your dead, stop your heart and your breathing and close your eyes." Loki instructed her calmly.

"Am I really gonna die my love?" Amythest asked him mentally.

"Only for a brief moment,then you will awaken as my bride Ainsley." Loki replied as he felt her heart actually stop as he retracted his fangs and laid her down gently.

"Guards! Remove her body and throw it where the beasts can eat her remains." Surtr roared triumphantly.

The guards lifted her up and took her to one of the worst places to dispose of her and as they went to throw her in, Amythest swung her body and wrapped her legs around the guards neck and twisted with her full body weight as his neck snapped. "You idiots!" Amythest replied chuckling. "Did you really think that Loki was gonna kill me?"

The other guards face paled. "But that's impossible for you to have survived as most humans die instantly from the bite of a demi god vampire."

"See that's just it moron, I'm not human, I'm a vanaheim noble and daughter of Freya and now you die." Amythest snarled as she ripped his throat open and drained him dry.

Amythest soon learned that she could shape shift and changed her form into that of a bewitching desire demon as she made her way back into the fortress.

The main hall doors swung open as amythest walked in and stood next to Loki. "follow my lead. " she said as she showed him who was lurking just beneath the surface of the demoness persona.

The desire demon approached surtr. "I've come to tell you my lord that the girls remains are now thoroughly desposed of."

"Can you prove this?" surtr asked with a grin.

The demoness held up the necklace of power or rather a fake one as she handed it to him and stepped back.

Surtr put the necklace on and realized that it wasn't the real one as he roared. "Attack the other eight realms now!!!"

Skye heard everything as she looked at Remy. "We must go warn the others Now!! Mon amor. " she said as she called out to Freya. "We need your help to get home goddess Freya. " she said as she watched Freya appear.

Freya smiled and touched them both sending them back to midgard instantly.

Remy and Skye rushed to the institute to talk to Charles and Beast.

Charles heard them as they entered. "What brings you here?" He asked as he looked at them then read their thoughts. "We must warn the others. Get all the x-men together, we must make a conference call to Dan Thomas and the others."

Skye grabbed Remy as they all ran to the conference room. She put on her head set and pushed the button that instantly linked them all.

"Hi this is of the utmost urgency. " Skye said as she looked at Dan and the Avengers.

"What's up Skye? Is everything OK?" They asked in unison.

"No it's not Mes Ami." Remy replied. "As we speak that psychotic idiot Surtr is sending his troops to midgard and the other realms as well."

Tony looked at the Avengers and the leaders of the other factions. "It's time to get prepared for battle." Tony said as he saw everyone's expressions. "I Said Suit Up Now!!!!!." He yelled as he watched Bruce hulk out. "Avengers Assemble." Was heard as another voice chimed in.

"Hi my name is Ella and we are the cajon collective, may we offer our assistance?" A resounding yes and get to Stark headquarters and let's move." was also heard.

"CAJONS UNITE." was yelled as they all vanished into stark headquarters.

Everyone grabbed everyone else and appeared at the Institute next to Remy and Skye.

Dan vanished and appeared on Jouttenheim to warn his people to get prepared.

Everyone watched as Jets and odd looking machines flew through the air as they either fired at the city en masse or landed and got out and starting shooting, not realizing what they were up against.

Tracie aka Velociraptor stood her ground as one of them approached her and grabbed her throat and lifted her up.

"Time to die mortal." Artec said as he looked at her.

Velociraptor grinned as she morphed and became the size of Havoc as she wrapped her legs around him and started squeezing.

"Not today you dumb sumbitch." she replied.

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