Sending a message (Vanaheim 2)

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"We will send others to the other five realms." Freyr said. "But Sapphire must go with you Amythest and I need to say something before y'all go."

"What's that father?" Amythest asked as she looked at both of them.

"We love you both very much, we want the both of you to be safe and Loki? Thor?" Freya said as they both turned around.

"Yes Freya?" They asked in unison.

"Take care of our daughters or you will become acquainted with Hela, intimately." Freyr said.

"We're already acquainted with her intimately." Thor said. "She is my sister."

"We will keep them safe." Loki replied as he grabbed Amythests hand.

They all said their goodbyes and I love you to their parents before they all vanished and went back to midgard.

"Wow." Sapphire said as she took in her new surroundings. "It's not as beautiful as Vanaheim but still." She replied as she made herself look more like everyone else.

Thor looked at her as they walked around the city and smiled at the way she moved gracefully and laughed at everything.

Loki rolled his eyes and smirked. "I think you need a new name possibly young Sapphire." He replied as he looked at Amythest. "And I think you should switch back to Ainsley so that nobody notices you love."

Amythest thought to herself. "Ishtay vetta swarre." As she instantly returned to her old self.

Sapphire heard her stomach growl angrily. "I'm starving sis."

Ainsley was just as hungry as she looked at Loki.

"Come on and let's get y'all fed." Loki said as they walked into a restaurant and waited to be seated.

A young man smiled as he looked at them and then at Amora. "If you'll follow me I have the perfect table for you." He said as he weaved his way through the crowd to a table in the back and placed the menus on the table. "Do you need a few minutes?" He asked.

"Yes please." Thor replied as they all sat down.

Ainsley looked at her menu and then at her sister. "So have you given any thought to what your new name will be?"

"Yes actually I have." Sapphire said as she read the menu.

"And?" Loki asked as he looked at her.

"Taylor Ashley Hayes." She replied.

Ainsley let the name roll around on her tongue. "I love it, it's very pretty."

Taylor smiled and blushed as she finally decided what she wanted as she looked up at Thor.

The waiter walked over and took their orders before handing the ticket to the cook as he grabbed their drinks and served them. "There ya go, hope y'all enjoy it." He replied warmly.

Amora couldn't keep her eyes off the man when it suddenly dawned on her what he was and where he was from.

"All things in good time woman." She thought to herself.

"You know him Amora?" Ainsley asked as there food was brought out and sat down.

"I don't know him but I do know what he is and where he's from." Amora replied as they all started eating.

Loki and Thor smiled as they ate.

After they finished and paid the bill Amora yawned slightly. "I think a nap would be nice." She replied hoping that the human was finally gone.

"I agree." Taylor said as she felt Thor grab her hand and interlock his fingers with hers as they waited on Loki and Ainsley.

Ainsley couldn't resist and walked up to the waiter and looked at him.

"Yes may I help you?" He asked as he smiled.

Ainsley took a chance and showed him her true self and not missing a beat he did the same as he smiled.

"Who was the woman that was with you Daughter of Freya?" He asked.

"She's my sister Amora." Ainsley said as she noticed that he was a light elf.

"She's very beautiful." The waiter replied. "Is she taken per chance?"

"No she's very much single." Loki replied as he stood next to Ainsley.

The waiter gave them his cell number and chuckled softly. "Not anymore she's not."

Loki grinned and shook the elfs hand. "I'll give her the message."

Loki and Ainsley walked out and caught up with everyone else.

"Now can we go home?" Amora asked as she looked at them as she felt Loki slip something in her pocket.

Amora pulled it out and looked at the piece of paper. "Who gave you this?" She asked.

"The waiter did and he asked if you were spoken for? I told him you were very much single and he wrote it down and gave it to me and said not anymore she's not." Loki said as he grinned at her as they vanished and appeared inside the house.

"What did he look like in his true form? I know one of you had to have seen his face?" Amora asked as she went to the bathroom and changed walking out in an emerald green gown.

"I did." Ainsley said as she looked at her sister.

Amora grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the couch next to her. "I want every last detail." She said as she giggled.

"He is very tall, at least 6'3 I think, extremely muscular with jet black hair and deep silver eyes." Ainsley said as Loki took Taylor and Thor to their room.

"What about his um yea?" Amora said as she winked and giggled more.

Ainsley smirked and shook her head. "I tried not to look at what he was packing but let's just say from what I tried not to see, he was huge trust."

Amora grinned. "Hmmmmm well I think maybe I should call him at some point. Did you happen to get his name?"

"I got his human name." Ainsley said as she looked up and saw Loki standing there looking down at her with sapphire blue eyes.

"Ok?" Amora questioned as her smile grew even wider.

"His name is Severen." Ainsley said as she felt Amora kiss her cheek.

"Thanks sis you're the best. Now go spend some time with Loki." Amora said as she got up and walked upstairs to her room to get some much needed sleep.

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