X-men to the rescue

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Remy looked at them and grinned and when he looked back he noticed that the woman he had just saved was gone, taken away by more fire giants.

"Son of a bitch." Skye said as she looked at him.

Surtr grinned as he saw a young girl brought in as he watched her being thrown onto the floor in front of him. "On your feet witch NOW!!!" He yelled at her as she stood up and smirked.

Amythest groaned as she was pushed towards Surtr as she was I'll prepared and decided to think about her next course of action.

"Kneel in my presence witch." Surtr said as he kicked her hard as she dropped in front of him.

"From now on you will address me as your king." Surtr proclaimed as he heard a slight giggle.

"Unless your name is Loki and your dick is bigger than a tic tac I'll never call you anything other than trash." Amythest said as she coughed up blood before being kicked again only harder this time.

Amythest heard and felt a rib crack as she moaned in pain. Her weapons hummed loudly as she heard Screams as the bio frost portal was opened as others were shoved to the floor.

Amythest looked up to see Loki in cuffs with a muzzle on his face as she growled through the pain. "What do you want you piece of fucking shit?" Amythest growled as she looked at him.

"Well for starters I'm gonna starve your beloved Loki and then I'm throwing you in the cell with him so I can watch as he kills you." Surtr said as he chuckled psychotically.

"Oh hell." Loki thought to himself. "This won't end well."

Amora was great at mind games and she looked at Loki and sent him a mental thought. "I have something to help you brother to ease your thirst but you have gotta listen to what I say and play it off."

Loki smirked under his muzzle as he listened and thought. "What's your plan sister?"

"You will kill her however since you've already started bringing her across, she won't actually be dead, if that makes sense." Amora told him mentally.

"I love how your mind works sister." Loki thought to her.

Skye stood there and smirked. "You think you can do me any real harm mes ami?" She asked as she became instantly surrounded by guards who had their weapons aimed right at her.

"No but they can..Guards!" Surtr said. "Take her out of my sight."

The guards went to grab her when she kicked one in the knee as she punched him square in the balls before swinging him and turning loose as he flew straight into the wall.

Others came and stopped her as they held her tight as they were all taken to holding cells and threw into separate ones.

(Day 1)

Loki sat there in his cell as he read from one of his many books since his cuffs and muzzle were removed the moment he was thrown in here. He heard moans coming from the cell opposite him.

"Are you ok love?" Loki asked as he saw his mate curled up in a ball as she groaned and looked over at him sending waves of agony throughout her body.

"No I'm not ok baby. " she whimpered. "That damn idiot broke my ribs."

Loki growled as he looked at her but knew there wasn't much he could do considering the magic used stopped his magic from being effective.

Amora looked at Loki. "You ready for the plan brother?"

Loki smirked. "yeah no time like the present sis."

Amora used her magic to make it look as though loki had escaped.

"GUARDS!!! GUARDS!!" Amora screamed as two that were on duty came running as they saw the door open and stepped inside as she closed the door and locked it.

Amora grinned as she looked at them. "Y'all are fucking stupid, for God sakes I thought you'd be smart enough to know an illusion when you saw something wasn't right." she smirked.

The guards growled. "Let us out of here before we have others come in to tear this place and you apart."

"You really should pay attention before you go running into a cell half cocked boys." Amora said as she watched Loki suddenly appear behind them.

Loki was in a very foul mood and what he wanted and very much needed was his mate, claiming her body and blood but until they figured out their best means of escape he could only try to help her cope as best as he could. "Hello assholes." He snarled as he snapped their necks before they had any chance to fight him.

Amythest groaned and smiled as she watched Loki kill the guards with no problem. "How are we getting out of here?" She asked. "Even now, Surtr has his troops scouting out the other eight realms to find their weakest area."

Remy grinned. "I think I know a way to get us out of this pit and back to earth cher." He said as he looked at Skye. "Wanna do me a favor petite?"

"Sure handsome." Skye said as she looked at him.

"Sing for me Cherie." Remy said with a devilishly handsome grin.

Everyone looked at them. "Why do you want her to sing?" Thor asked as he looked at them curiously.

Skye looked around and started singing as everything close became drawn to her as she asked for their assistance.

The ground shook and the winds blew hard as they started ripping the walls apart in an effort to free her from her prison. Her voice and pitch changed as the storms gathered to lay waste to everything in sight. "Bring the X-Men to me." she sang as they  whispered their response in a way only she could understand.

Remy looked at Skye as he watched the elements give her their strength and power as she ripped the door off its hinges as she walked out to the others.

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