Ravishing his mate

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Loki grabbed her hips to keep her in place as he licked her neck as she groaned loudly.

"That's right love. Oooh fuck this feels so good." Loki growled as he tried to keep from biting her.

Ainsley looked at him and saw his eyes were glowing red as his fangs extended and with every thrust, every whimper it drew him that much closer to his own climax. "God you feel so good inside of me Loki." She said as she gently slid her tongue in his mouth and grabbed his hair tightly.

Loki pulled away and nibbled her ear before leaning down and licking her neck as his fangs scraped against her soft pale skin.

Ainsley cried out in bliss as she wrapped her legs around him and panted breathlessly. "Do it Loki." She said as she felt his hands under her ass cheeks holding her up so she wouldn't fall.

"Do what Ainsley? Tell me what you desire." Loki said as he licked the mark seductively.

"Bite Me My Master." Ainsley screamed after having already had multiple orgasms.

Loki smirked as he held her tight and groaned. "As you wish pet." He growled as he grabbed her hair tightly and sank his fangs in deeply, hearing her cry out and scream his name in ecstasy as she came over and over again, as his balls tightened and he came with her at the same moment he stopped feeding from her and gave her some of his blood.

When he was finished he lifted her off of him and looked at the way she seemed to be so lost in the moment.

Loki ran her a bath and got in with her as he grabbed a wash cloth and some soap and then took his time thoroughly and carefully washing every inch of her, burning every curve of her body in his memory.

Ainsley wasn't sure what had just happened but she knew that what he was doing was so hot and it felt so good the way he was so gentle with her.

Loki rinsed her body and lifted her up, grabbing a towel and drying her off as he carried her to his room and placed her under the covers as he pulled them up under her chin. He went to check on his sister as he felt his hand being grabbed. Loki looked at her and smiled.

"Please don't leave me." Ainsley said softly.

"I promise love that I'll be right back, so go to sleep love and when you wake up I'll be here in bed with you." Loki replied as he kissed the top of her head before walking downstairs for a minute.

Amora looked up from her book as she saw her brother walk down the stairs. "Gee bro you look happy as hell."

Loki smirked. "Yea im beside myself with happiness."

"That bad huh?" Amora asked giving him shit.

"No quite the opposite actually." Loki said as he looked at her with sapphire blue eyes.

"I take it you found out for yourself that she is indeed your soulmate their brother?" She asked as she grinned.

"Well yea, otherwise I wouldn't have um." Loki grinned even more.

"Oh for the love of Odin, spit it out already." Amora replied giggling as she saw how Loki's cheeks flushed."The god of mischief looks good with some color in his cheeks."

"If you're asking if I screwed her and made her scream my name and bit her and fed from her then yes yes I did and she loved every second of it." Loki said chuckling and shaking his head.

"Come on now don't hand me that like she's the only one who got anything out of it Loki cause judging from your expression you loved it just as much." Amora said as she watched him roll his eyes and smirk.

"You know me all to well sis and now if that's the end of our lovely little chat then I'm gonna curl up next to Ainsley cause you look as though you have a date as well." Loki replied before kissing his sister's cheek.

"Goodnight Loki. I love you." Amora said as she waited on her date to show up.

"Goodnight and I love you too Amora." Loki said before vanishing into his room and under the covers with Ainsley.

Ainsley woke up stiff and sore as she looked over at Loki and draped her arm across him hugging him tight and laid her head on his chest.

Loki looked down at Ainsley and wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

"God that was extremely intense love." Ainsley said as she looked up at him and smiled.

"Extremely intense, Well that's putting it mildly." Loki replied as they laid there holding each other. "Your body and your blood are very sweet beautiful."

Ainsley couldn't control the way her body reacted to his and she squeaked as he reached his hands under the covers and squeezed her ass.

Amora got a text saying to meet her date at Anthony's, but when she replied back asking why she got a short albeit hasty reply. "NOW!!" She got up and grabbed her keys and sent a text to Lokis phone. "Something isn't right brother."

Loki-"what's wrong Amora?"

Amora- "my date was supposed to be here and I was told to meet him at Anthony's but when I asked why all I got was NOW!!"

Loki- id be careful sis and if you need me to I can come with you.

Amora-"No you stay here and keep Ainsley safe."

Amora changed her appearance becoming the Enchantress as she walked out the door and took off.

Loki looked at Ainsley. "We gotta help her love." He said as he gently kissed her lips.

Ainsley tried standing up and almost fell, but Loki caught her before she landed. "You ok sweet?" He asked as held her.

"Ishtay vetta swarre." Ainsley chanted as her eyes glowed a deep dark purple.

Loki looked at her curiously as he turned his head. "What the hell?" He asked as he saw her look up at him.

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