
2.5K 39 1

34.1381N, 118.3534W

"They are gonna be hitting us with everything they got. So we wanna engage with maximum speed. Neutralize their shooters, and then move on to our objective. There's two things I want you to keep in mind. Number one, I chose you for this squad because you are the most fearsome warriors on the planet. And number two, you go out there, you do your job and you take 'em down. Everyone. And I mean everyone. Mani's and Pedi's at the mall later on today," Hobbs explains to his daughter's soccer team, causing them to cheer.

The ref blows his whistle before the teams run onto the field. Hobbs gives Samantha a fist bump before he motions for Thorin to join them on the field as they start chanting Haka. The team starts chanting with him while doing a routine before giving their best game faces, causing Alexandra to smile as she sees her son's attempt at a game face that just comes off as a silly face.

Hobbs and Thorin walk over to the sidelines as the ref blows his whistle again. "All right, let's go, girls. Let's go, let's go! Final two minutes." Hobbs kisses Alexandra on the cheek. "Beautiful." Alexandra lightly blushes while Hobbs ruffles Thorin's hair.

"Quite the cheering section," DSS Agent Allan says as he walks over to Hobbs before looking at the bleachers packed full of moms.

"Oh yeah," Hobbs says as he looks as well. "Yeah, it's the moms. They come out to support the kids."

"Except there seem to be more moms than kids," Allan says as he looks at Hobbs, causing Alexandra to roll her eyes since she had noticed that as well. "Way more moms."

"Yeah. It's a big soccer town," Hobbs tells him as he waves to a few of the moms before cheering for the team again. "Let's go, girls!"

"So, your intel was spot-on," Allan says as he shows Hobbs the information. "That Damocles 7 EMP weapon that went missing in the Gulf? Arms dealers from Liberation Front have it in Berlin."

"Shit," Hobbs says as he looks at the image of the EMP.

"Wait, you have been working?" Alexandra asks as she looks up at Hobbs in shock, which causes him to look away from her ashamed.

"This thing can wipe out an entire electrical grid in a major city," Allan changes the subject which causes Alexandra to glare at him. "No lights, no power. Instant Stone Age."

"Alex, baby, I'm sorry," Hobbs attempts to apologize but she just shakes her head before walking a few feet away.

"Chloe, Maya, you can't let her run by you like that," Alexandra coaches the team to keep her mind off of everything. "Let's go, let's go! Cross!"

"Agent Hobbs, this is a Class Four WMD," Allan tells him in urgency. "Do you have any idea what's at stake here?"

"Yes, I know exactly what is at stake here, okay?" Hobbs answers as he turns to Allan. "If the Pink Butterflies beat my Red Dragons, that means we lose the championship. Which means Alex and I have 20 little girls who are crying. And that's not a good thing. Which then means Alex and I have to spend a lot of time in ice cream shops and lot of time in Tay-Tay concerts."

"We need you to do this. A lot of lives are at stake. I need to be clear here. The US government cannot sanction this operation any way. You're on your own," Allan explains to Hobbs, who is focused on the game. "This thing goes sideways you don't just get burned, you go to prison. And there's nothing we can do to get you out."

"Let me tell you something," Hobbs says as he turns to face Allan again. "The only things that I love more than saving lives.. Is my daughter, Alexandra, and Thorin. So if you don't shut up with this government bullshit right now and start showing some team spirit and respect for the Red Dragons. I'm gonna have all 20 of them line up to kick you right in the Tay-Tay."

"Go, Dragons!" Allen says out of fear.

"Attaboy. Go Dragons.." Hobbs says before he starts cheering. "Go Dragons.. Go, she's open... Go! Yes! That is my daughter right there! Yes! Ah, yes, come here." Samantha runs over to Hobbs before he pulls her into a hug.

"How did I do?" Samantha asks as she looks between Hobbs and Alexandra with a smile.

"Awesome," Alexandra answers her as she gives her a hug.

"Nice job, kid," Allan says, causing Samantha to look at him before frowning.

"Daddy's gotta go to work?" Samantha asks as she looks at Hobbs sadly.

"Uh, yeah. Daddy's gotta go to work," Hobbs answers her sadly.

"You're going to need a team that you can trust," Allan tells him, causing Hobbs to smirk.

"Oh, I already got one," Hobbs replies as he looks over at Alexandra with a smile before frowning as he notices that Alexandra is zoned out.

Dom is looking at his cross necklace before his phone starts vibrating. Dom sighs as he sees Alexandra's name on his phone.

"Hey, Dom," Alexandra says once Dom answers.

"Hey, Alex," Dom replies with a sigh. "Was she right?"

"Yeah, Luke's got a job in Berlin and he needs the team," Alexandra answers as she walks into the bathroom for some privacy since Hobbs is occupied by Samantha and Thorin.

"No problem," Dom says as he looks back at his cross necklace. "I'll grab the team and meet you both in Berlin."

"Dom, I'm scared," Alexandra admits as a single tear falls.

"We're going to get through this," Dom tells her, knowing this would be hard for her.

"But, Dom, I'm pregnant," Alexandra reveals, knowing she needed to tell someone despite what the lady had said.

"And you didn't tell him," Dom guesses because his sister had been the same way.

"I didn't get the chance to," Alexandra reveals the truth with a defeated sigh. "Cipher stopped me after I found out and she is using it against me. So, I can't tell him or he won't let me go."

"Alex," Dom says with a determined look on his face, though she couldn't see it. "I promise you, that I will do everything in my power to keep you and your baby safe."

"Thank you, Dom," Alexandra says as a few more tears fall before she quickly wipes them away. "We will see you soon."

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