Chapter 4

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Stephie's POV

After parking my new Honda Accord in the crowded parking lot, I collected my backpack which was on the passenger seat and locked the car doors. It's been a week since I started attending this new school. By this time, dad expected me to make at least one friend; which I failed to do. Maybe it's because I don't feel anxious about being alone anymore. I walked down the hallway and opened my locker.

When I was about to shut my locker, I heard a cracking sound of a pair of heels coming towards me and I turned my head and looked over without shutting my locker. There stood a brunette clutching a sparkling hand bag. Without my control, my left eyebrow was raised by itself.

"Does it kill you to say Hi to an old friend?" she asked flipping her hair and I had no idea what this person was talking about. I rolled my eyes.

"I think you have made a mistake. I have no idea about your identity." I replied in the most polite way which I could think of . I noticed that she had taken aback but still she was insisting that she was someone whom I should know.

"I'm Wendy McMillan. We met in Higher Green Middle School" she kept going in a fierce tone and I tried to memorize that middle school as I had transferred schools for several times. But I couldn't remember that one.

"Sorry, you got the wrong person" I said flatly while walking away.

"I can't understand why people call you Stephie here" she shouted angrily.

I noticed that all the eyes in the hallway were darting towards me but there was no impact of it. I just kept walking away disregarding all the whisperings behind me. And I realized that my life in this school is not going to be that easy. But I got to endure it.

I entered to my homeroom and placed my backpack on the desk and sunk to my chair. It only took a moment for me to lost in my thoughts. The document which was dropped by my dad was haunting me. It was slipped from his briefcase as he was in a rush this morning and I picked it up without knowing what it was. But it was too late as my eyes worked before my brain. The damage was done. And it was beyond repair. It was a detailed document of a wanted person. His gritted yelowish teeth had the immense power of making someone's hair erect. And a sound of snore brought me back to reality.

And I looked at my left where the sound came. I could only see his silky light brown hair as his head was resting on his desk. Silvery rays poured through the window illuminated his hair and lines. "Seriously? Even the lesson hasn't started yet." I thought.

***************************************************************See you in next chap 😊

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