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Ruby stared at the doors of the school, where the students were holding their annual ball. She was waiting for a student who had had their drink spiked, or someone who was weak. She didn't know what the school taught, but she did know that it was the closest place to get a meal right then.

Ruby covered her ears. The loud music from inside and her sensitive hearing did not help her at the moment. Even with the music, Ruby continued to wait for her prey.

The music slowed down for a few minutes, while a couple walked out the door. They were arguing about something, but Ruby wasn't listening as the red headed girl ran from the dance. The blonde boy just shrugged and walked back inside, shoulders slumped and a dejected look on his face.

Ruby followed the thin red headed girl, hiding in the bushes while she did. The girl led her into a copse of trees, where she sat on a bench and hung her head. Ruby scoffed at the stupidity of emotions.

Ruby stepped out of the bushes and the girl raised her head, looking at the small girl with the black hoodie.

"Who are you?" The girl said.

Ruby stood still, observing her preypon as she stood up and stuck out her hand in a greeting. "I'm Pyrrah. Sorry for being such a wreck for a first impression."

Ruby stared at the out stretched hand.

Pyrrah pulled her hand back awkwardly. "So, what's your name?"

Ruby snatched Pyrrah's hand and tore her wrist with her teeth. Pyrrah screamed, trying to pull back her hand. Ruby tightened her grip and tried to take another bite as a sharp pain erupted in her side. She looked down to find a spear was sticking out, wedged between her ribs.

Ruby jerked back, releasing Pyrrah's wrist, while Pyrrah pulled out her shield, ready for an attack.

She held her wrist, waiting for Ruby to fall dead on the ground. Ruby straightened herself and grabbed hold of the spear, tearing it out in one swift motion. Ruby, then, snapped the spear in two on her knee.

Before Pyrrah could react, Ruby ran, using her speed semblance into the trees.


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