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Ruby was sure about it. She was royally screwed. She had failed Cinder, meaning she had failed the White Fang. And that was not going to be tolerated.

"That little monster is mine." Cinder said to the boy, who nodded and backed off.

"You got yourself in trouble with Beacon!?" Artemis whispered angrily. "Do you know how screwed I am if I'm found helping you!?"

Ruby nodded, and turned around to leave in the other direction when a rustling from a bush beside her started. She didn't have to look to know that all of the students in the field were also looking at the bush.

"Dammit." Ruby muttered as she saw an arrow sail into the bush.

"Ruby, we need to get across this clearing." Artemis whispered. "We can't go around it, the paths on both sides are all seperate by giant crevices."

"So, it's a suicide run then." Ruby stood up, revealing where she was. "Artemis, you go hide, you don't need to be involved in this."

Artemis nodded and slipped into the shadows as Ruby stared down a rounded number of about sixty hunters and huntresses.

"Ruby Rose." Cinder said with an evil smirk. "Come quietly and no one will be hurt. You have the right to remain silent any-"

"Shut up you broken record." Ruby said loudly, cutting the older girl off.

"Insubordination is frowned upon when it comes to speaking to your elders." Cinder noted.

"Just shut up, I already know that about ten of the students in this clearing have flanked off to attack me from behind, so why don't you just leave me alone to kick all of their asses?" Ruby said, surprised Cinder.

"So you did pay attention in the strategic course." Cinder said, while about twenty students fell out of the trees around Ruby. "Too bad that you chose the wrong strategy, you didn't even get the number of students right."

Ruby didn't recognize any of the people around her, except that every one of them used swords. "How is this fair? I didn't even bring a knife to this sword fight."

"Trust me, from what I saw with you fighting with Pyrrah Nikos, this is completely fair." Cinder laughed. "Oh, and anyone to cut off her tail she has hidden, gets a reward of ten thousand lien."

8/31/2023: I forgot that I had even written this, and am shook by what was goin on in my head. I may release something else that isn't RWBY related though in a different vein but still similar. :) enjoy this draft I found while looking through my old account!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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