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(Sorry guys I haven't updated in forever, I haven't been feeling like writing this book, and I knew if I had tried, I would have rushed it, so hope you enjoy!)

Even after she was sure no one was sure no one was following her, and even after the sun had set, Ruby darted through the trees, she had no intention of stopping, no matter how long she was pursued.

Cinder will be mad at me... Ruby thought to herself. No, I'll make up for it later.

"Ruuuuuubyyyyy!" A loud feminine voice echoed behind her, one that sent shivers down her spine and made her double her pace, even though she knew it was futile.

It wasn't long before something reached from the shadows and grabbed Ruby's ankle, causing her to fall on her face.

"Oi! What was that for!? Can't you see I'm trying to run!?" Ruby shouted at the girl who seemed to be rising from the ground out of murky blackness.

Artemis Chernobyl looked at Ruby with a sad puppy dog like expression. "Come on RuRu! Why don't you accept my love?"

"Hmph." Ruby grunted and stood up, brushing Artemis' hand away from her without making contact.

"Loooove meeeee~!" Artemis whined as she followed after Ruby. "If you do, I might be able to show you an easy place to hide where those meanies won't find you!"

Ruby stopped, and grabbed Artemis by the throat, ignoring the searing touch of skin. Ruby's eyes flashed, as she squeezed the other girl's throat. "Where?"

Artemis smiled and seemed to turn into a shadowy puddle on the ground. Seconds later she was behind Ruby. "Not until you show me your love."

Ruby sighed and swung around, grabbing Artemis by the hair and jamming her mouth against the other girl's, not showing any emotion or restraint. She continued through the pain, until she could hear Artemis moaning.

"Ah! Ruby you always do have too much passion." Artemis said between gasps of air. Even through the dark, Ruby could see the bright blush on the other girl's face. "Now follow me."

Ruby obliged, not taking a moment to hesitate.

She mistook my true feeling for passion. It wasn't passion. What was it called again? Ruby bit her lip, drawing blood from the sore area as she thought it over.

Lust. The word echoed in Ruby's mind.

Lust. It wasn't a sexual lust though. I only ever get that kind after a kill. I guess the monster inside of me is a huge sadist. Ruby mused at the thought.

"Ruby?" Artemis said suddenly, breaking her train of thought. "Are you listening?"

Ruby looked in front of her to find Artemis was crouched on the ground and peering through the bushes. There were at least sixty students from Beacon. All third year or higher.

"Damn." Ruby cussed under her breath.

"I'm going to be the one to bring in that cannibal!" A short boy said enthusiastically as he brandished his club.

"No." A familiar voice said behind him. "I am."

Ruby's vision was just barely able to make out the glowing irises and the raven black hair. She knew immediately who it was.

"Cinder." Ruby whispered, her heart thumping.

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