New Feelings

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(I forgot to mention the yuri in this, so read at your own risk of your sanity.)

Weiss walked closer and closer, until Ruby was nose to nose with her. "So, do you want to know why I locked us in here?"

Ruby didn't know if she wanted to know, so she stayed silent. She could smell Weiss, and she smelled like cookies. Ruby's mouth began to water at the aroma.

Suddenly, Weiss unzipped Ruby's jacket and threw off her hat, revealing the ears and tail she had tried so hard to hide.

"They're so cute." Weiss said, nearly grabbing Ruby's tail.

Ruby bolted to the other side of the room, her tail to the wall. She had no intention of Weiss touching it. She hated it when people touched her, mainly for the reason that their touch would burn her in a great painful way.

"Aw, just prolonging the inevitable." Weiss said as she stalked Ruby into the corner of the room. When she had reached Ruby, Weiss grabbed her wrists, pinning the girl to the wall. "I can't touch your tail with you like this." Weiss pouted, causing Ruby's heart to race and her skin to feel a burning pain where Weiss touched. Ruby hid the pain, not wanting to look weak.

Ruby stared into Weiss' eyes, seeing lust plain as day. Ruby did not struggle, knowing that it would evoke more pain from where Weiss had latched on.

Weiss saw the determined look in Ruby's eyes and leaned forward, so their foreheads were barely touching. She knew she was testing her limits, but she tilted her head forward and gently touched Ruby's lips with her own.

Ruby gave a little whimper from the burn on her lips, causing Weiss to lose control and press her lips harder into Ruby's. Weiss forced her tongue into Ruby's mouth, causing a very painful burn to begin.

Weiss pulled back from the kiss, out of breath. Ruby wanted more, she had tasted her prey, sending her into a more animalistic state. She took a step forward, making Weiss back up.

Suddenly, Weiss reached around Ruby and grabbed her tail. Ruby yelped, being brought back to her normal self. Weiss ran her fingers through the smooth fur of the tail, causing Ruby pleasure and intense pain at the same time.

"That's what I thought you meant when you asked Yang to not touch your tail." Weiss said triumphantly as she let go of Ruby.

Knock knock. A beat on the door sounded. "Weiss, Ruby? You in there?"

Weiss stood up and unlocked the door, leaving Ruby sitting on her bed. "Sorry, force of habit, I usually lock the door to my room back at home."

Yang and Blake walked in. Yang stared at Ruby's tail. "When can I touch your tail?"

Ruby shook her head, blushing. "I don't want anyone touching it."

Yang shrugged and grabbed her pajamas, getting ready for bed. The rest of the group followed suit, Ruby glancing at Weiss to see if she would say anything.

The group rolled into their beds and said their good night's, while Ruby tried to figure out what had happened with Weiss and why her heart wouldn't stop racing.

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