Hiding Fails

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Ruby stared at the battle area around her, trying to figure out how she would go undetected during these classes.

Glynda Goodwitch walked into the middle of the area, grabbing all of the students attention. "We will be having a tournament to decide on the ranking of our students. The first battle will be between Yang Xiao Long and Nora Valkyrie."

Nora and Yang walked into the arena, facing each other and smiling. Nora pulled out a hammer that had a sharp point on the other side. Yang smashed her two gauntlets together, sending up sparks in the darkened area.

"Watch this. It will be epic!" Jaune whispered into Ruby's ear.

A sharp whistle pierced the air, causing Ruby to cringe and the two on the field to launch at each other.

Yang raised her fist, her hair was a blaze as Nora blocked her and sent her to the other side again. Nora swung her hammer onto the ground, shattering the earth and sending the giant crack towards Yang.

Yang was shot into the air by the fissure in front of her, but she angled her body straight towards Nora when she reached maximum height. Before Nora could raise her giant weapon, Yang had smashed her gauntlet into the ground, sending Nora flying and causing her to drop her weapon.

"Nora Valkyrie can no longer battle. The aura she uses has dropped to below preferred range. Yang Xiao Long has won." Glynda said, stopping the fight. "Next two combatants are Ruby Rose and Pyrrah Nikos."

Ruby inwardly groaned. She had no weapon. She had always fault with her teeth and hands, occasionally turning her fingers into claws. Pyrrah smiled and nodded, understanding that Ruby had no weapon, she put her spear on the ground. A mistake she would soon regret.

Pyrrah took Ruby's hand and dragged her into the arena, letting go when they had to seperate onto their seperate sides. Ruby walked onto her starting position, turning to stare at her opponent. Her heart was beating faster than Pyrrah's, she could tell due to her greater hearing. The monster inside of her was screaming to get out after much disuse.

Ruby shook her head, trying to keep the excitement out of her mind. Pyrrah smiled and got into a ready stance, waiting for the whistle to blow.

A minute passed. Ruby could see a bead of sweat drip down Pyrrah's neck in anticipation of the battle. A sudden whistle pierced the air, throwing Ruby into predator mode.

Ruby launched herself at Pyrrah, knowing that her tail and ears would stay hidden under her hoodie and jeans. Pyrrah pulled her shield out and used it to defend against Ruby's fists.

"That was quick of you."Pyrrah mumbled from behind the shield, pushing Ruby off.

Ruby glared at the bronze piece of metal and used her semblance to flash herself behind Pyrrah with a swirl of rose petals. Ruby opened her mouth, but quickly closed it, gaining control of her thoughts. Instead of ripping out Pyrrah's throat, she jabbed her fist into the small of her back and sent her to the ground.

"Pyrrah Nikos has been beaten into submission. Ruby Rose has won." Glynda said, ending the fight.

A murmur of fear went through the crowd upon seeing how easily the best fighter in their class had been taken down.

Ruby could feel herself losing control of her monster. She had to get out of the area or else Cinder's plan would be ruined. She tried to get through the crowd of students who were watching the fight, but one didn't seem to want to budge.

"Excuse me." Ruby whispered, but the boy didn't seem to hear her. She looked up to see that the mass of flesh was Cardin. "I said excuse me."

"You don't scare me little girl. I could take you down in an instant." He said, poking Ruby's chest.

Ruby felt a rage build up inside of her as the boy made fun of her. She grabbed the boy's hand and sank her teeth into his wrist. A scream came from Cardin, drawing the attention of everyone in the arena.

Ruby could taste the blood as it nourished her. A sudden pointed object pressed itself against Ruby's back, alerting her that she was probably in the worst place to have assaulted someone.

"I thought you looked familiar." Pyrrah said, holding her spear on the lower part of Ruby's spine.

Ruby gave a harsh little laugh. "I really am tired of this place and it's happy peppy shit. White Fang was right. This is for cry babies."

Ruby kicked the spear from behind and pushed the injured Cardin into the crowd and began to run. She used her semblance to weave in and out of the crowd, ready to escape from all of the would be hunters and Huntresses.

Ruby could see the exit to the outside as she cleared the crowd, but she saw the members of her team in the way.

"Ruby. Come with us. You need help." Blake said, standing in front of her.

Ruby growled, feeling her eyes flashing a bright red as she lunged and bit into the faunus' shoulder. Blake let out a scream and dropped to the floor, allowing Ruby through the door.

It only took seconds before Ruby had been lost in the trees and gone.

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