A Few Days Later

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Ruby stared at the steps of Beacon, wondering if anyone would recognize her. She stared at the towering building, wondering how anyone would figure out that she was the one who attacked Pyrrah.

Those thoughts went through her mind as she walked down the hallways of the dorms, trying to find the room with the letters, WBY.

It wasn't long before Ruby realized she was completely lost. In frustration, Ruby threw her map on the ground.

Cinder had said that if she were good, she could possibly get a human treat that wouldn't draw anyone's attention. Ruby was beginning to regret the decision of coming to Beacon for such a silly thing.

"Uum. Hi." A boy with black hair and a ponytail said, seeing Ruby's frustration. "Are you new here?"

Ruby almost let on top of the new boy, but she held in that feeling and decided to speak instead. "I am new here, sorry, I am lost."

The boy nodded and picked up her map. "So, where are you going?"

"I need to find my dorm room, it has the letters WBY on it." Ruby replied.

"Well, I know where that is. Come with me." The boy began walking and stopped. "Sorry, my name is Ren by the way."

Ruby nearly ran into Ren when he suddenly stopped. "My name is Ruby, can we go now?"

Ren nodded and led the way to her new dorm room. A few minutes later, she was standing in front of a door which would have a few surprises behind it.

"Here is your dorm." Ren said and began walking to a room down the hall. "This is my dorm if you ever need anything."

Ruby nodded and muttered a thanks before she opened her own door. She regretted the action after she saw who was inside.

On the bottom of the right set of bunks, was Blake. On the top of their bunk was Yang. And, last but not least, on the pair of bunks to the left of the room,sat Weiss.

Ruby froze, trying to decide whether to run or not when Yang said something.

"Hello! You must be the one who is the R on our door!" Yang said loudly. "I'm Yang, that's blake, and that is Weiss." She said, pointing to each of the girls. "Can I guess your name? Please?"

Ruby nodded, seeing her cover hadn't been blown yet.

"Rose? Rita! Ramen! Ravioli! Ruben!" Yang continued listing names of foods until the faunus grabbed her mouth to silence her.

"Sorry, I am going to say Ruby?" Blake asked as Yang struggled against her hand.

Ruby nodded, placing her bag on top of the pair of bunks on the left of the room, where Weiss was trying diligently to ignore her.

The room went awkward with silence as Ruby unpacked her bags full of brightly colored clothing. Cinder had said that bright colors would make it easier for them not to recognize her, so she went along with it. Her ears were masked by a red hat and she had tucked her pants into a bright Blue jacket.

"Are we just going to ignore the fact that she's a faunus?" Blake asked, ruining Ruby's thoughts.

Ruby stood straight up, knocking her head on the bunk beds. "Ooww."

"Blake!" Yang said, then a pause. "How could you tell?"

Blake sighed. "I am a cat faunus, therefore, I have a good sense of smell, and she smells like a faunus."

Ruby sighed and took off her hat and un tucked her blackish red tail.

"Shiny." Yang gasped as she stared at the tail. "It looks soft! Can I touch it?"

Ruby's eyes went wide, knowing that her tail was her most sensitive area. "N-no. I would rather you didn't."

Yang pouted, but was happy again when she saw the time. "Let's go eat lunch! I hear that today Nora is going to make Ren have a pancake eating contest with her!"

The group headed out the door and down to the dining hall, where they were greeted by a group of people who contained Pyrrah and Ren.

Ruby stared at the bandage on Pyrrah's arm, wondering if it was still bleeding. Her mouth began to water at the thought.

"Hello again." Ren said as he pulled Ruby's  attention away from Pyrrah.

"Hi!" The blond haired boy said. "I'm Jaune, this is Pyrrah." He pointed at a girl with orange hair. "That's Nora."

Ruby said hi and introduced herself.

The group sat at a large table, piled with food. Ruby wasn't hungry, but decided to nibble on a piece of overcooked steak as Nora and Ren started a contest with eating pancakes. Nora won and Ren looked like he would throw up.

"So, Ruby, where are you from?" Pyrrah asked while she studied the new student.

"I-I am f-from V-vale." Ruby stuttered out the response that Cinder had given her.

Pyrrah smiled and excepted the answer, noticing how Ruby continued to stare at her bandaged wrist. "I got attacked by a person a few days ago."

Ruby nodded, already knowing.

"Do you think they caught the person yet?" Yang asked.

Pyrrah shook her head. "They followed the trail of blood, but it just stopped suddenly."

The group stopped talking, trying to figure out what could have happened to the assailant.

"I think I'll go back to the room and finish unpacking." Ruby said as she stood up abruptly.

"You remember the way back?" Yang asked. Ruby shook her head.

Weiss stood up abruptly. "I'll show her, I'm not hungry."

The two of them set off for the room, while Weiss continued to ignore Ruby.

"So, how long have you been planning to go to Beacon?" Weiss asked as she opened the door to their room.

"I've always wanted to go here." Ruby lied.

Weiss shut the door behind them, locking it.

"Wait, why did you just do that?" Ruby asked as Weiss stared her down, scared that she had figured out who Ruby was.

"No reason." Weiss said, stepping towards Ruby with flaming eyes. "You will soon know."

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