Cinder Fall

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Ruby woke up to see a bright fluorescent light shining in her face. She groaned and tried to sit up, but found that her neck, wrists and ankles were strapped to a large metal table.

A loud hissing noise could be heard from the corner of the room, followed by a tapping that grew closer and closer to where Ruby was lying.

"So, your the one with the teeth." A female voice said.

Ruby remained silent, hating to talk to people. "Fine, the blood on your face and staining your jacket already answers my suspicions. Your ears are also a little strange."

Ruby realized that her ears had been uncovered, revealing that her redish black wolf ears. She had never been characterized as a wolf faunus, but she decided to go by that instead of which faunus she actually was.

"Don't worry, we accept faunus here." The woman with black hair and golden eyes said. "As long as you don't stand against us."

Ruby felt her tail pinned uncomfortably underneath her, but ignored it, trying to figure a way out of the room, while she couldn't see anything in it.

The girl bent over Ruby and poked her injured side, causing Ruby to hiss in pain. "You know, we asked about what faunus you were, but our wolf faunus couldn't say. They said that you smelled like something familiar, but they couldn't figure it out. I am starting to get a hunch, just a small hunch..."

The woman grabbed a knife from out of nowhere. In one smooth motion, she slit her hand, letting blood pool in her palm. She held her hand over Ruby's forehead, letting a drop fall on her head.

Ruby began to pull against her bindings, trying to tear apart the woman.

"How amusing. Could it be that you're a-"

"SHUT UP!" Ruby screeched, ripping apart the binding on her left wrist. She reached out and grabbed the woman's hand, but was burnt by a bright blaze  coming from her hand. Ruby fell back in pain, coming back to her senses.

The woman reached down and pulled a new set of bindings out, taking Ruby's wrist and pinning her down. Ruby didn't resist, allowing herself to be bound to the table.

"That was uncalled for." The girl said amused. "Well, I should introduce myself, my name is Cinder Fall. Don't forget it. I am part of the White Fang, and I am interested in using you as a useful asset."

Cinder waved her hand over Ruby's mouth, letting some of the blood pour in. Ruby tasted the blood.

Spicy. Ruby thought, keeping her calm, while she tried to adjust her tail to a more comfortable position.

"I will be back in a few hours, by then, I will expect your answer." Cinder smiled. "Good bye my little monster."

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