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To All Who Are Saying it's a short update and short story. So it's not a short story first.

Secondly I said I will give short Updates and Give 3 updates in a day if you guys complete 75+ Comments.

So You Guys Agreed that's why I made short Updates. That's why I alway say read important note or Follow my for note notification 🥺🙂.

Now tell me

1) 75+ Comments, 3 short Updates alternative day .

Or 2) One long Update Alternative day.

That's it I want to be clear🥺.

And Yes This is the only I'd I use and talk if you get any fake i'd by any name complain it on cyber cell Don't Give a fuck to them Okay🙂❤️

Don't message me just complain it don't worry at all .

✨ Sukoon ✨जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें