Stay, please..

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I'm trying to stop describing everything in so much detail (I don't think my 700 words sappy inner monologues are fun for anyone xd)

so like.. tell me how I did??//

It was a chilly evening in LA. The ruthless wind dancing around the streets and amongst the annoyed folk. The sun had already shied away behind the horizon, and most shops were closing for the day. Not everybody left their workplace, however. Just like Miles Edgeworth. Usually, he would be still working, filling out paperwork, or making arrangements. Not tonight, however. No matter how cold it might've been outside, his office was full of warmth — just like his heart.

Why, you ask? The reason is quite simple, really. A very loud, simple and silly reason. A reason named Phoenix Wright.

The man came unannounced, as he always had. His lack of manners never ceased to surprise Edgeworth, even though he was slowly but surely getting used to the other's antics. Not that he minded the visit, far from it, actually. It was as if Wright could read the mind of others. He always knew when something was askew. When a witness wasn't saying the whole truth, or even lying. He noticed. When Edgeworth wasn't feeling well. He knew. Perhaps it was because of their long history together, but Wright was exceptionally perceptive around him. No glowing magic rock of secrets needed. He simply felt

it, when something was wrong.




Damn that man! Damn his foolishly big and forgiving heart! Damn the amount of unwavering care and compassion he had! Damn that naive belief in the goodness of the world! Damn that optimism, that would someday put him six feet under! Damn that Phoenix Wright! That beautiful, warm and witty defense attorney, that turned Edgeworth's reality upside down..

This time was no exception. Wright came bursting through the door of the prosecutor's office, asking how Edgeworth was feeling. After said man was done cursing the stars internally, blaming them for putting him in this situation, he asked his visitor one very rational question: 'Why are you here?'

Wright gave him a quizzical look, as if the reason was supposed to be oh so obvious, 'You were even paler than usual in court today — What's wrong, Edgeworth?'

The other sighed, hiding his face in his hands out of frustration, How the hell did he even notice that? 'Wright, I cannot even begin to guess how you came to that conclusion, when the last time we saw each other was two weeks ago. However, I am perfectly fine. There is no need to worry yourself over something like this. Especially with the case on your hands,' he huffed. Really. The current case they were involved in was very tricky, there was no time to waste on worrying about others than his client!

Wright smiled. He smiled with that incredibly bright smile of his. The same smile he wore every time he saw his friend. Edgeworth felt his heartbeat speed up, his hand twitching slightly.

'I'm here because of the case, actually,' he mentioned.

Edgeworth's interest was piqued (not that he wasn't eyeing the defense attorney already, he wouldn't admit to it, anyway), 'Oh? You aren't here to try to get information out of me, are you?' he asked with a teasing half smile — his best attempt at making a joke.

Wright shook his head, laughing, 'Course not! It'd be useless to ask you, in any case,' the man said with a grin, plopping down onto the prosecutor's bright red couch, patting the space next to him.

The office fell silent for a minute. Edgeworth looked at the attorney expectedly.

Wright glared at his friend, patting the couch again, a bit more forcefully this time. Edgeworth watched him with a confused smile on his lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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