2) Law school AU, part 1

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Miles's POV:
I exited the school's building, sighing. When the education time was over, I had to go home. Well.. not home, the structure, where I live would be a better description. It never felt like home, it was cold, bitter and sad. My step sister was bearable, Franziska may call everyone foolish and whip people she doesn't like, but she was there when I needed her most. She covered up for me, when I could have gotten in trouble with Mr. Von Karma, and I helped her in return. It also helped that my dog, Pess, was always there for me. I walked towards the bus stop, barely catching my bus and sitting down, looking out of the window. I had about twenty minutes before going back to the hell I get to call my home. At that moment, I caught a glimpse of a person in the corner of my eye, they were.. looking at me? More like staring really, I locked eyes with them, finally getting a closer look on how they look. It was a man, about my age, he was wearing a red scarf, a pink sweater and he had the most peculiar hair I have ever seen, it was spiky. It probably takes hours upon hours to get it to look like that. I saw the man quickly look away, burying himself in his big scarf. I wonder why was he looking at me? Hmm. He eventually left the bus after another couple of stops, avoiding eye contact as much as possible, it was quite amusing to watch really. I chuckled quietly. What a strange man.

When I at last was home, I went straight to my room, very careful to not make a sound. I wasn't sure if Mr. Von Karma was here yet, I wanted to avoid him as much as possible. I heard a soft click of my door opening, revealing Pess, who was sitting on my bed, waving her tail and barking at me excitedly. I shushed her. "Stop it~ What if he hears?" I managed to breathe out through my chuckling fits, Pess took the chance and jumped onto me, licking my face. She was such a ray of sunshine, I don't know what I'd do without her. "Who's a good girl?" I asked, Pess barked. "Yes! It's you. You are." I started to pet her, smiling lightly. "Well, well.. what do we have here?" I heard a voice say, I sighed. "Hello to you too.. Franziska." I turned around, now facing her. "I see you're having fun, little brother. Mind if I join?" Before I could reply she added: "Of course you won't, it's such an honor for you to spend time with me after all. "A wide smirk could be seen on her face. "Why am I the little sibling?" I chuckled softly. Franziska was a few years younger than me, so her calling me little brother was quite weird. "Well you came to the family after me. Naturally, I'm the older sibling then." She crossed her arms, as if trying to make her point stronger. "Are you really that foolish to not even understand that? I'm disappointed." A scoff escaped her lips. For the rest of day we just talked in my room about anything and everything, it was nice. Furthermore, I haven't seen Mr. Von Karma all day. I lied down on my bed, closing my eyes. I don't know why, but my sleep was interrupted by pictures of the stranger from before, he seemed.. familiar? I'm pretty sure I've seen him somewhere..

I was woken up by Pess licking my face and chewing on my fingers. Ouch. I quickly got dressed, putting my maroon cardigan on, it was a chilly morning, so it was the perfect opportunity to wear it. I made my way down to the kitchen, luckily, Mr. Von Karma was busy with a case, so he didn't come out of his office. I poured myself a cup of water, I wasn't very hungry. I quickly drank it, grabbing my bag and leaving the house. I made my way towards the familiar bus stop, getting on the bus as usual. I was about halfway through the whole ride to school, when the spiky haired man entered the bus, sitting down. I'm pretty sure he noticed me, since he tensed up and looked away. What's wrong with him? Am I really this scary? I frowned. I may be known for how cold I am at school, but there's no need to be scared of me.. I also averted my gaze. When I exited the bus, I saw that the stranger was also leaving, he wasn't following me.. was he? I made my way towards the school building, the spiky hair still behind me. I had enough. I turned around, facing the man. "Is there something I can help you with?"
Phoenix's POV:
I froze, Edgeworth was talking to me.. I looked away. "N-No.. I'm good." I saw him tilt his head to the side, as if questioning me. "You were staring at me yesterday, and now you're following me." I could hear the annoyance in his voice. I finally looked at him. "Ah. That. I'm actually going to the same school as you.. but I suppose you never noticed me." I scratched the back of my head, chuckling awkwardly. "O-oh. My apologies.. I really didn't. "He gave me an apologetic look. "It's ok! I actually was staring at you yesterday, because you're really popular at school, so I was surprised to see that we take the same bus. I actually wanted to talk to you for a while. "I felt my cheeks heat up. "Sorry if I was creeping you out." I heard him let out a chuckle, I smiled. I guess he isn't mad at me after all, he doesn't seem to be acting like the rumors say. I'm glad. We walked the rest of the way in silence, he isn't the talking type, huh? I stole a glance at him.

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