1) BakerPhoenix x WriterMiles AU

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Edgeworth's POV:
It was a nice, warm day in LA, I was just making my way down one of its busy streets, I was quite tired and thought that a cup of warm tea would be just what I needed to regain my energy. Usually, I make my assistant, a middle aged, foolish man named Richard Gumshoe prepare me some himself. However, today he was busy and I had no tea left at my apartment, so I decided that going out to a cafe wouldn't hurt once in a while. I was walking for about ten minutes before I found the one that was to my liking, it seemed clean, not too busy, and they allowed pets, which was crucial, since I brought my dog, Missile, with me. I carefully entered the cafe, a loud ringing noise announcing my presence. "Welcome to the Fey & CO cafe!" I heard a high pitched voice say. Why does this place have a name that sounds more like an attorney's office than a cafe? I turned my head towards the sound, it was a short girl with black hair tied into some sort of mix between a ponytail and a bun, she wore a violet, waitress like dress with a white apron. I nodded politely. "H-Hello.." I stuttered, the warm and bubbly energy coming from the girl made me feel out of place. "Please take a seat wherever you'd like! We're not busy today. "She continued and turned her attention back to one of the customers. "Right." I mumbled to myself, looking around the place, until my eyes fell on the table next to a big window surrounded by plants, I made my way towards the table and sat down. I observed the whole cafe, it had a very warm and refreshing atmosphere, there were flower baskets close to the ceiling, a lot of cushions on each of the tables, a few stuffed animals here and there. The view from the window was also nice, you could see the shopping area, there was a lot of small shops with antique furniture and clothing. Overall, the whole place met my high standards. "Excuse me? What would you like to order?" The same high voice asked, I looked up. "Um.. black tea please. "I didn't even bother to look at the menu. "Alrighty! Anything else?" She added. "No, thank you. "I gave the girl a polite smile, then I noticed she wasn't looking at me anymore, but at Missile. "Would you like to pet him?" I offered. Her eyes lit up. "Can I? Thank you so much!" She grinned and kneeled down to pet my dog, he barked happily, waving his tail. "He's soooo cute!" She giggled, hugging him. Then another woman walked up to us. "Maya! Quit fooling around and get the gentleman his order." She scolded the girl, who, I now know, is called Maya. Maya whined. "Fiine." She let go of Missile and went into what seemed like a kitchen. "I apologize on her behalf, she tends to get distracted easily. " The woman smiled, she had brown hair that fell on her shoulders, she was also wearing a dress, but it was black this time, she had a more business like vibe around her. "It's quite alright, Missile seemed to be enjoying it." I reassured. "Well then, I won't disturb you any further. "She hummed and walked away. After a couple of minutes, the young girl came back with my tea. "Here's your order!" She put the tray on the table and poured me some into a cup with a flower relief. "Thank you. " I bowed my head slightly, waiting for the girl to go, she stared at Missile longingly for a bit, before finally leaving. I took a long sip of the tea, relaxing my muscles, this is just what I needed. I looked out of the window, watching the people who were walking by the cafe. A soft sigh escaped my lips.

I was almost done with my drink, when a man burst through the front door of the place. "I'm here!" He said, catching his breath. "Gee, took you long enough Nick!" Maya said grumpily. "Sorry.." He scratched the back of his head. "You're late.. Phoenix. " The woman in the black dress strictly said. "B-Boss!" Phoenix seemed absolutely terrified of the woman. Wait. Phoenix? It can't be.. that Phoenix, can it? I'm sure it's just a coincidence, there's no way that's my childhood friend Phoenix. I'm sure there's a lot of people named like that. I stared at the man, he had a pink button up shirt on, pink hoodie and black jeans and most importantly.. dark spiky hair... it's totally him.

Phoenix's POV:
As I got scolded by Mia for being late again I felt someone watching me, I turned around and saw a man with grayish hair stare at me, he looked familiar, but I couldn't pinpoint who exactly that was. I set down the box with sweets that I was carrying onto the floor and excused myself, walking up towards the man. "Excuse me? You kept staring at me, is there something I can help you with?" I said politely. "P-Phoenix? It's you.. isn't it?" How does he know my name..? "Do I know you?" I asked, cocking my head to the side in confusion. "Oh.. sorry, I'm Miles.. Miles Edgeworth, remember now?" He smiled. "Miles..?" There's no way.. the man in front of me is the same Miles with whom I lost contact in grade school? "No way.. there's no way!" I grinned, hugging Miles. "Oh my god.. I never thought I'd see you again!"

Miles's POV:
I tensed up at the sudden display of affection from my childhood friend, but then hugged him back. "I missed you so much!" Phoenix continued, I chuckled. "Me too Phoenix.. me too." He finally let go. "What brings you here?" He asked. "I just wanted to change things up a bit, since I spend most time in my office. " I explained. "Yourself?" "Oh. I'm a baker now! I supply this cafe with sweets. "He said happily, ever since we were little he always loved baking, I'm glad he made his dream of opening a bakery come true. "That's fantastic Phoenix. "A small smile crept onto my face, he nodded. "Oh! Can I have your number? I don't want to lose contact with you again. "He asked, when we exchanged our phone numbers, he grinned and went up to the woman, who he told me is his boss and that her name is Mia. I watched him talk to Mia for a while and then exited the cafe. "Bye Miles!" He waved at me, I gave him a soft smile.

Phoenix's POV:
After I said my goodbye to Miles, I started grinning like an idiot, I can't believe what just happened! "Well Phoenix.. Who's that handsome man you were talking to?" Boss teased, I blushed a bit. "He's just my childhood friend, we haven't seen each other in a while, so I got really excited. "I scratched the back of my neck. "Sorry about that." She nodded. "It's quite alright." A sigh escaped her lips. "Now.. shouldn't you head back to your bakery? Mm?" "R-Right."

The rest of the day was uneventful, not a lot of people visited the bakery and soon enough, it was time to wrap it up. I checked that all the doors were locked, the oven cold and shut down and that the lights weren't working anywhere. Then I locked the front door and headed back to my apartment, stretching my shoulders. This was quite the day. I'm glad me and Miles met again. When I got home i felt my phone buzz, who could be messaging me this late?

Miles's POV:
I was sitting at my desk, staring at my phone. Should I..? I grabbed my phone, hesitating for a minute, before messaging Phoenix.

SMilesEdgeworth: Hello Phoenix, it was nice seeing you again.

JustWright: Hey Miles! It really was:)

JustWright: Why are you messaging me though?

SMilesEdgeworth: I just wanted to ask you what's the address of your bakery? I thought I'd stop by.

I felt color rising to my cheeks. After he told me the address of the bakery, we talked for a bit, catching up with what was going on in our lives. He seemed genuinely amazed that I became a writer. I snickered at that, he was so excited about it, he's still as childish as he was before huh? We scheduled a meeting at his bakery latee this week, I couldn't help but look forward to it.

Phoenix's POV:
Today was the day, it was the day of our hang out with Miles! I was excited for it all week, I made sure that my bakery was clean and shiny, just like he likes it. I heard the bell at the front door ring, my head jerked towards the sound. There he was, waving awkwardly at me. "Welcome to the Wright Anything Bakery!" I smiled.

Miles's POV:
A couple of months went by since we reunited, we were having meetings almost every week, which I really enjoyed. Sometimes I would even help at Phoenix's bakery, but I'm not exactly good at baking so I'm not much of a help, but he says that it's quite alright that way. I sure do hope that we can have a real 'date' as Phoenix likes to call our hang outs someday..

Oh my gosh. This was soooo fun to write! I really hope you enjoyed this Alternative Universe, because I certainly did, I had so much fun that I'm thinking if I should do a second part where Phoenix and Miles are dating? What do you think guys?

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