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“Gold, stop pouting.”

“Yeah, it’s not like I’ve never kicked your ass before.”

“Silver, you’re not helping.”

“I never said I was.”

There was a pouting Gold, sitting on a tree stump, mumbling about how he lost to Silver, again. An irritated Silver was close by; sick of the whining. Then there was a fed up Crystal; who only came along so they could all train together.

“Gold, we’re training. Meaning you’re working on getting better, so stop pouting and train.” Crystal said, standing with her arms crossed. "Silver's training to get better, and if he gets better, he'll kick your ass even harder."

At that statement, Gold shot up with fire in his eyes. "Explotaro! Get up; I'm gonna train you to be the greatest Pokemon the world has ever seen!"

"Good luck with that." A nearby redhead mumbled.

Explotaro grumbled, still sore from his earlier defeat. The fire type rose slowly and shook a little.

"Explotaro, flamethrower!" His trainer commanded. Explotaro yawned and let out a strong, but weaker than normal flamethrower.

“No! Try harder!” Gold shouted, disapproving of his results. Explotaro huffed and tried one more, hoping to either please his trainer, or getting it into the Breeder’s head that he was tired.

“Explotaro! Come on, I know you can do better!” Explotaro had a pretty visible vein pop at this point, glaring daggers at his trainer.

“Gold, don’t think that’s a good idea.” Crystal said, noticing the Pokemon’s temper.

“Nonsense! Explotaro can do—”

“...Gold, you’re on fire.” Crystal stated, waiting for Gold to react. Once he did, all he did was run around screaming uselessly.

“Dammit Gold, didn’t they teach you stop, drop, and roll in elementary school?!” Crystal yelled, watching the boy drop down and roll across the grass furiously. An amused Silver only watched, not even giving Feraligatr commands to do anything.

Once the small flames went out, a charred Gold stood up, walking back over to Explotaro and Crystal. Explotaro huffed out a small smoke cloud before curling up and sleeping.

“Well, the ladies do always tell me I’m hot.” He winked. An audible, yet ignored, “your mom doesn’t count,” was heard from a particularly snarky redhead.  

“Gold, you dumbass.” Crystal sighed. “Come on, I’m getting you to go get that treated.” She said, taking his hand and leading him to the nearest Pokemon Center.

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