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"Gramps...are we gonna find her?" The 5-year-old brunette asked, looking up to Professor Oak. 

"Of course we will; no one kidnaps a little girl and gets away with it." He replied, with that confident grin he always wore. 

They all were gathered in the forest. All the townsfolk. Everyone of Pallet Town and Viridian, everyone throughout Kanto, began searching for the missing girl. Someone reported that a girl, Green's age, was snatched away from her home from a mysterious bird. They were all very worried for the girl, but no one was as worried as Green. 

"We can find her...I know it!" Green balled up his free hand into a fist, and slightly increasing his grip on Prof. Oak's hand. "We will find her..."

I will find her.

"Who is the girl? Do I know her?" Green asked, leaning over to read the newspaper Prof. Oak was reading. 

"She was someone else here in Pallet Town. You don't know her, but I knew her parents...I can only imagine how brokenhearted they are now." 

The spiky haired boy looked down to the photo of the girl. Long, dark brown hair, and shining blue eyes. A bright smile painted on her face, with a little tint of pink in her cheeks. She wore her usual long black dress, and black shoes to match. The girl known as Blue...

I'll find you, Blue, don't worry. I'm coming...

6 years later, they were all on their journey...him, Red, and Blue. 

'Do I know you from somewhere? You look familiar...you can't be the same Blue. There's no way. She was taken away from her family...if she escaped her captor then surely she would have came back home. Yeah...just a coincidence,' he always thought. Besides, Blue's parents moved out of Pallet Town months ago...maybe they found their daughter already? He decided he should stop worrying about that now. He's got bigger problems to deal with, like Team Rocket, beating his rival, and winning the League...

This isn't the Blue I was looking for, I know it.

They've known each other for a few weeks now. Its obvious what kind of girl she is now; sneaky, flirty, yet strong and helpful in a way. But she's always got those loud, annoying comments that makes Green mumble something along the lines of 'pesky woman' half the time. But hey, he was listening, that was enough to make her happy. 

Too happy for someone who grew up in misery.

The League...they finally made it. This can't be a dream. The Pokemon League, where the best of the best come. And all three of them were going to the semi-finals. 

Green smirked. "I guess you know, Red, that all the Champions here have all been from Pallet Town." 

"Yeah, and?" He asked, looking at him confused. 

"Both of us are from Pallet Town. So who's it gonna be this time?" 

"I guess we'll find out on the battlefield." 

"You two only thinking about yourselves??" Blue butted in, on her way to the arena. Red and Green shared puzzled looks. 

There's no way...

"I'm from Pallet Town too, ya know!" She giggled, running up the stairs to her side of the field. 

It still can't be her!

Her battle went on. Her chances of winning were zero. All of her opponent's, Prof. Oak's, Pokemon were flying types, and her Pokemon were just simply too slow. He knew her weakness. Birds, her greatest fear, since that night. 

Green was looking down in utter shock. The girl he remembered looking for as a child, was feet away from him. 

He sighed and smiled though.

I finally found you. 

It was the end of all their battles. Red ended up winning, but Green didn't mind at all. He still had the one thing that mattered the most. 


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