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The gym leader was inside his heated gym, while all the trainers played outside in the snow. It was the middle of winter, and a snowstorm hit a couple of days ago, but however, there was still plenty of snow left over. But on the bright side, the brunette thought, he could get more work done without many trainers coming to battle.

The sound of the gym doors being opened was heard, with a groan from Green shortly after. Someone wasn't quite up for a battle right now. 

"Hey Green!" Blue greeted, walking up to the desk that Green was working at. 

"What do you want?" He mumbled. 

"To see if you wanna come outside with everyone else, of course!" She said, wanting to get the trainer out other than staying in the empty gym all day. 

"No. I don't know if you can tell, but I'm a little busy." 

"That stuff can wait though! It doesn't melt; but snow does, so come on!" The blue eyed girl tugged on his jacket, trying to pry him from the seat he was sitting in. 

"You really think I'd want to play out in the freezing snow?" 

"No, but it'll be fun, you'll see!" 

"I won't because I'm staying in here."

Blue let go of his jacket, pondering for a moment. "Fine, if I can't get you out, then you know who can?"

Green looked up from his work, a little worried about what was going through her mind. Although he kept that hidden under his blank stare. 

The girl pulled out a regular Pokeball, releasing the Pokemon inside. 

"Blasty, you mind helping me get Green to come outside?" She asked the Blastoise sweetly. Green dropped his pen as he was being lifted into the air by the turtle. 

"Blue, you tell him to put me down!" The green eyed boy yelled, thrashing as Blasty and Blue walked to the doors of the gym. 

"Alright." She smiled. "Blasty, you can put him down now~!" Once they walked outside, Blasty threw Green into a pile of snow that Blue spent making, just for this moment. The gym leader turned to the girl, prepared to yell, but only to get a snowball thrown in his face. The girl laughed at him, only to get a snowball thrown in her own face. She wiped the snow off her face to see a smirking Green. 

"Is that how you wanna play?" Blue asked, returning the smirk. 

Wordlessly, they began throwing snowballs at each other. Green eventually got off the pile of snow, running away to avoid getting a handful of snow in his face or down his shirt. All got quiet as Blue hid in a tree, confusing the brunette that was chasing her with snowballs earlier. 

"I could have sworn that--" Green started, before having snow drop on him from above. He looked up, to see a laughing Blue. He smiled a bit to himself before commenting, "Pesky woman..."

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