Chapter 1

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I'm saying it one last time in this whole book. If the topic of eating disorders trigger you, please do not continue reading this book. With that said please enjoy the first chapter


Nini pov:

I was laying on my bed scrolling through Instagram. All the girls on there look perfect. They have perfect bodies, wear perfect clothes, their make up is always on point, their hair is perfect at all times and they have perfect lives. I wish I were like them.

Suddenly someone snatched my phone away from me. "Hey" I tried to grab it. "Nope, we are going to that restaurant like you promised" Gina said. I sighed "Fine, but only if I get my phone back." She smirked "You'll get it back as soon as we get there" She said "Now get your ass out of bed and dressed. We'll leave in 10 minutes."

I groaned in annoyance but I did as she told me to. I know Gina and I know that if I am not ready in 10 minutes, she will drag me there with what I have on, so it's the better option to get dressed instead.

It is spring currently, so not to warm for a hoodie I thought to myself. Well, it is warm, but it's not like I would die yet. My closet mostly consists of baggy clothes, except one dress. I have not worn it since my high school graduation. It just means a lot to me, but I would never wear it again. I settled on my favourite jeans and a big beige hoodie.

With that I wore the first pair of sneakers I found and a small black purse

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With that I wore the first pair of sneakers I found and a small black purse. Exactly 9 minutes later I stepped into my living room. "I'm ready" I announced to Gina, who was sitting on my coach scrolling through her phone.

She looked up and frowned "You do realize it's supposed to be really warm, right?" I shrug my shoulders "And?" Gina sighed, but did not say anything else.

My friends have accepted that I am insecure about my body ever since my last boyfriend destroyed my confidence. That is only half of the truth though. I was never confident about my body or my looks ever since I broke up with my high school boyfriend Ricky. When I got accepted to UCLA and he to Nyu we decided to call it quits. I have not talked to him since the day I left for LA.

I am pretty sure the others are still in contact with him, but they can do as they please. "Let's go" Gina said to break the silence that emerged after her comment.

Her car was parked in front of my apartment building and I got into the passenger side. She got into the driver seat and backed out of the parking spot. "So where exactly is that restaurant?" I asked her. "It's about 20 minutes away, but it's worth it. The food there is amazing" She answered me. I nodded my head as a sign that I understood "Sounds good, what kind of food do they have?" I questioned.

I always made sure to eat healthy no matter what. "Don't worry. I made sure that your healthy ass finds some food too, how you can do this is still something I understand." I smiled at her "Self-control is the key." I looked out of the window "Also I already ate at home because I was planning on skipping, so I won't eat much."

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