Chapter 9

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Please keep in mind that I have absolutely no idea how adoption works, enjoy reading

3 months later

Nini pov:

It's been a month since Ricky, and I moved into a new apartment together and life couldn't be better. I have been getting help with my eating disorder and even though I am far from being healthy again, I am doing a lot better. Currently I was cooking Dinner for us.

My boyfriend should be home from work in the next 20 minutes and my goal was to surprise him with lasagne by then. He loves that food, especially when I make it, but due to my eating disorder I could not eat it without feeling guilty, until now.

I placed it into the oven before grabbing plates and everything I needed to set the table. Just as I got the food out of the oven the sound of footsteps was heard. "I'm home Neens" Ricky called. "I'm in the kitchen" I replied back with. A few seconds later his arms circled around my waist.

"It smells amazing, what are you making?" he questioned me. "Your favourite food, Lasagne." I turned around to face him and immediately noticed his concerned facial expression. "Are you sure Neens? We can eat something else if you don't feel ready."

I kissed his cheek before shaking my head "I want to eat this. I just can't promise that I'll eat as much as you." With that I grabbed the food and walked towards the dinner table.

We ate in a comfortable silence until Ricky spoke up. "We need to talk about something" he suddenly said. I raised my eyebrows in confusion, but still nodded my head.

"You know that I want kids more than anything" he started with. I nodded my head, still confused on what he was hinting on, but now also slightly scared of what was to come. "And you can't have any."

"So, you want to break up with me?" I quietly asked.

Ricky immediately shook his head "God no, I would never do that. I was just going to suggest that we should maybe think about adopting. We both aren't getting any younger, so why not look into it." I smiled "You scared me for a second, but sure. I think we're ready for a kid, so why not."

That caused him to smile brightly "I love you Neens." "I love you too" I told him before kissing his lips.


3 weeks later

Ricky and I started looking into adoption the next day. I was excited and so was he. After a few days of searching, we found out that adopting a new-born would probably be best for us and to our luck we found a women in her thirties, who was more than willing to give up her child.

Today was the day where we were going to meet her to discuss the details. "Are you nervous?" I asked him when he parked the car. "A little, you?" I nodded my head "I'm sad that it won't be our biological child, but happy and excited that we'll get a kid at all." Ricky kissed my forehead before getting out of the car and opened my for for me. I gratefully took the hand he offered me.

A short while later we were sitting in a café waiting for the mother to arrive, her name was Ms. Nickelson, but only my boyfriend knew what she looked like.

"Ah Mr. and Mrs. Bowen, great to meet you two" the women, who I amused the mother was said. I blushed at her words "We're not married" I stated while smiling at her. "Yet" I heard Ricky add quietly.

"Oh, my bad, shall we gets started?" He nodded his head in response "We shall."

Before either of us could say anything though the water came to take our order "I'd like some water and some chocolate cake please" Ms. Nickelson ordered. Ricky ordered some chocolate cake too and a coffee. "I'll just take a water, thank you."

As soon as the waiter left, we started the conversation. After 30 minutes I asked a question, I have been meaning to ask since I met the women. "If you don't mind me asking, why are will you give your kid up for adoption?"

She sighed "I'm sick, I have cancer. It will not affect that baby, do not worry. I just will probably not be able to take care of it for long and since I have no family, who wants to take care of an infant I decided to do what's best for the baby and that's giving it to a loving couple like you two, who are not able to have a child of their own."

I had a few tears in my eyes "That's a sad story and I do hope you will get better."


5 months later

"Nini" I heard Ricky softly call me. I just pulled my blankets over my head, which caused him to chuckle.

"We have to wake up Baby, Ms. Nickelson called. The baby is on the way." As soon as those words left his lips I jumped out of bed.

"I'm going to be mother by the end of the night" I excitedly told him before jumping into his arms. Then I realized something "Wait, shouldn't we go to the hospital when the baby is already born?"

"Normally yes, but Ms. Nickelson said she wanted you to be able to be in the deliver room with her. Something about a baby bonding with its mother, I didn't really listen." I nodded my head in understanding "Ok, then let's go."

A few hours later the nurse handed me our baby. "It's a Girl" she told me.

I carefully held the baby close to my chest. "She's beautiful" I said, not caring who heard me. Then I looked at the women, who just made my dream come true. "Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to have a child, Ms. Nickelson" I quietly told her, so I would not wake up my daughter.

"You deserve it my dear, make me proud by taking good care of her for me." I smiled and nodded my head "I promise, she'll have a good life."

In that moment, a nurse came towards me "We have to make sure she's completely healthy, but then you will get her back." I nodded my head before handing the nurse my baby.

It's still surreal to think that I have a daughter now. Well not legally yet, we still had to sign some papers tomorrow or later today, but emotionally she was ours. I might not be able to have a child of my own, but at least there are people out there like Ms. Nickelson.

"You have our number, please do not hesitate to come in contact if you want to see her. You are still her biological mom." She smiled at me "I might dear, now go to your boyfriend to tell him that he has a beautiful daughter."

I quickly walked out of the room and right over to Ricky. "We have a daughter" I told him before jumping into his arms for the second time today.

"She's beautiful Ricky" I whispered with tears in my eyes. "We need a name" he told me when we pulled away. I nodded my head in agreement. "You can choose one, as long as her last name is Bowen I won't care."

15 minutes later the nurse came back and led us to a room where our daughter was sleeping. I carefully picked her up and placed her in Ricky's arms, since he has not held her before.

"Do you two have a name?" she asked us. I looked at him and motioned for him to answer.

"Lucy. Lucy Bowen" he said before looking at me as if he was silent asking me if I agreed.

"I like the name" I said before kissing Lucy's forehead. It was not only a beautiful name, but also a name that meant a lot to her biological mother.

That was the day our little family started, maybe we'll adopt another child in the future but for now we are happy.

Their daughter is named after a special someone in my life, you know who you are.

Do you guys want another chapter where their daughter is a bit older?

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