Chapter 3

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Ricky pov:

"I'll just quickly prep the drinks while you put on some shoes" I said to Nini. She nodded her head in agreement. I made my way to the kitchen to prep the shakes.

After talking to a good friend of mine from College, who recovered from an Eating Disorder, I felt more ready to help Nini. My friend told me that she should get professional help and I agree, but I cannot force her to, and she told me multiple times that she does not want to.

I sighed while pulling out the stuff from my bag. My plan was to hide some calories in the shake. I will not tell her, and she will not ever know. Well maybe she will, but my friend told me her brother used to do that and now she is thankful for that.

I just hope my efforts will be enough and I did not notice too late. Every few weeks Nini would go onto my Instagram page. I noticed that because she watched my story, she stopped doing that a year ago though. It never occurred to me that it could mean that something is wrong with her. I just thought she found someone else and since I figured it was not my business, I never asked our friends either.


2 weeks later

Nini pov:

"Ricky please" I begged him.

"I can't, I just can't tell them yet. If they knew they would never let me leave Salt Lake City again until I recovered, and it would only make everything worse." He raised his eyebrows "Why would that make everything worse?" He questioned me. I started playing with my fingers "No reason, really. Just please lie to them, I promise I will keep trying to get better if you do it."

Ricky sighed "Fine, I will" I jumped onto him "Thank you." "Under one condition" He told me. I nodded my head "I'll do anything." He sat down next to me "I'll lie to your moms and tell them that you are fine, just a bit stressed, if you talk to me. I know I promised not to pressure you, but you won't tell me anything." I sighed "I know, I just well don't want you to see me any differently."

Suddenly I was pulled into a hug. Ricky had his arms around me, and his head was resting on mine, while my head was on his chest. "Neens, I could never see you as anything other than the girl I fell in love back in high school. No one and nothing could ever change my mind about that. No matter what you tell me you will still be my Nini, understood?"

I nodded my head against his chest "Thank you Ricky" I whispered in response.

He kissed my head through my hair "How about every time I lie for you, you will answer one of my questions?" He suggested. I thought about it and honestly it wants that bad. "Ok, if you promise to keep everything between us." He nodded his head "Promise."

"One more thing" He started with. I lifted my head so I could look at him "Ok?" "The time I lied for you before counts as well, so I get to ask two questions." I nodded my head in agreement "If that is what it takes, I will do it." "Let me quickly call Dana, I'll be right back" He said before getting up and walking to the kitchen.

Around 5 maybe 10 minutes later Ricky returned with a smile on his face. "Done, now I get to ask you two questions, which you have to answer honestly" He said while putting his phone on the side table and sitting down next to me but facing me. "Ask away" I said to him.

"My first question would probably be, why did Kourtney say something along the lines of "Since you are the only guy who has not made her feel bad about herself"?"

I looked the opposite direction of where he was sitting "A month after we split up, I got a new boyfriend, he cheated on me with my roommate at the time. Then three years later I got over that and started dating this guy, who was actually decent, but his parents said I was ugly, so he dumped me. 5 years later I finally thought I found the one, the guy I'll spend my life with, but after half a year he started telling me I'm ugly, that I should wear fewer revealing clothes, that I should eat less and that I should do more sport. So basically, every guy I have dated except you has hurt me."

When I looked at Ricky again, I saw the shock in his face. "I'm sorry you had to got through that Neens. I just should have worked harder to get into a college in LA, like you and none of this would have happened." I smiled lightly "It's not your fault. The only guy that really still affects me is the last one, he made me think no one will ever love me again." "Do you believe that?" He asked me with concern in his eyes.

I shrug my shoulders "I guess, I know you and my friend solve me, but I don't think anyone who hasn't known me for over a decade could love me" I said to answer his question.

He grabbed my hand and put his other hand over it, basically my hand was sandwiched in between his. "That is a lie Nini. You are amazing, even though you probably do not believe me it is the truth. I love you, your moms love you, Kourtney loves you and all our friends do. I'm sure when the time comes someone else will love you too." I nodded my head Even though I did not agree.

Well, I did, but the only person I have ever loved as more than a friend was Ricky. I used to think we were forever, but I guess we are just better off as friends. I thought me telling him what I did would make him say something, like that he loves me as more than a friend, but I was wrong.

"Nini, are you-" I cut him off "What's your second question?" I asked him. My voice clearly showed that I was being cold towards him.

Maybe I was acting childish, but I have spent 10 years hoping that Ricky and I will one day be together again, but now I realize that will never happen.

He looked startled by my voice but quickly recovered "Uhmm yeah, why would being with your moms make everything worse?" I sighed. I knew he would ask something like that. "It's not being with my moms, it's the fact that I can't be in Salt Lake City" I told him.

"I haven't been since we broke up" I said the last part in a whisper so he would not hear. That did not seem to work though since his eyes widened "You have not been to Salt Lake City since we broke up, Why?" "You already used all of your questions" Is the only thing I told him. I stood up to walk out of the room, but he grabbed my arm when I walked past him.

"Dammit Nini answer my question" I pulled my arm out of his grip "It's none of your business" I spat at him. He stood up too now "Of course it is. Obviously, it has something to do with our breakup "He told me rather calm. "It does not" I told him, but we both knew that I was lying. "Please, I need to know if I'm the reason behind it."

I turned my back to him and faced the wall "Salt Lake reminds me that I'm a worthless failure" I told him. With that I walked out of the room and locked myself in the bathroom.

What do y'all think Ricky should have asked it do you think he asked the Right things?

A comment would mean the world to me

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