Chapter 8

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Nini pov:

I heard the door to the hospital room opened, but I did not look at who it was. It was probably just another nurse or doctor who would ask me questions that I would refuse to answer. "Nini" I heard a familiar voice say.

I still would not look at the person, who was most likely my ex-boyfriend. I lost all hope to ever be with him again when I found out he was with Gina. I cannot be mad because he did not cheat on me, but I still felt in some way betrayed.

"Nini please look at me" Ricky begged. I slowly turned my head to look at him.

When I did, I was met with Ricky looking as stunning as ever in his black jeans, that he paired with a denim button down and a grey sweater on top.

"Are you feeling better?" he softly asked me

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"Are you feeling better?" he softly asked me. If I did not know any better, I would say he cared. I just nodded my head in response.

There was an awkward silence between us for a bit. Until he spoke up. "I'm sorry" he started with. "I'm sorry for not coming to you two weeks ago. I wasn't mad anymore, I was just busy with work and I don't know, I thought you wouldn't want to know."

Why is he telling me that? Does that mean he still loves me? I mentally shook my head. He does not love me anymore. Or does he?

"Please Neens, I love you and I'm so sorry for not coming to you earlier. There is no good excuse for me not even texting you, but I do hope you know that I'm deeply sorry."

His hand picked up mine and he pressed a kiss to my palm. With that he let me hand fall back onto the bed and he started walking towards the door.

"Ricky" I barely even whispered when his hand touched the doorknob, but he heard. Ricky turned around to look at me "Please stay." He smiled lightly before nodding his head and making his way back to me. He sat down on a chair next to the bed.

We just sat there in silence. I did not want to say anything and risk my heart to get broken again and he just did not say anything.

Suddenly his larger hand engulfed my smaller one. "The doctor told me that you fainted because you haven't eaten enough these last few days, probably more like a week or two. You want to tell me why?"

I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. "Why do you think I felt the need to loss weight?" He sighed "Because I left, but I clearly told you that it was because I was mad you hid that from me." I just shook my head "As if, but I did it because you choose my best friend over me."

While saying that I pulled my hand out of his and turned around to face the other way. He placed his hand on my shoulder, which caused me to move so he had to take his hand off me.

"Nini I don't know what you're talking about, I have never been interested in anyone other than you let alone Gina. I don't know how you even got that idea, but you have to believe me when I say you're the only girl I have ever want and that I will ever want. I love you Neens, only you."

jealousy, jealousy | rini au ✔️Where stories live. Discover now