CHAPTER 1: The City On The Shadow

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I feel how a low blow of air cross my entire body, and help me to don't get stifle on my own thoughts. I watch carefully how the sun is raising from the place were was peacefully laying; I want to see it, until I can not see clearly to the skyline.

"Hey, Newt!", a scream that is from beneath the Ferris Wheel were I'm sitting.

I care less and I still seeing to the skyline. Now the sun is getting to the top of the mountains, and that means is almost the end of the show.

"Newt!", the same shout, from the same person. Now the voice is closer to me, and there's where I understand the situation. Clint is climbing by the metal staircase, beside the Ferris Wheel.

"How did ya realize that I was here?", I ask, but whithout taking away my eyes from the skyline. I don't want to lose a second of this awesome moment that I love.

"Are ya kiddin', bro'?" Clint asked me, laughing of it; then I realize that NOW he is beside me. "All human bein' nows that ya love this place", and that's true; I love this place.

The sun is already in the sky... The show has finish. "So? What's tha news?" I asked; now seeing him at his face.

"Okay, well..." he take a long and deep breath, maybe because he si not a big fan of heights. "Alcalá wants to see ya..." Clint rapidly comprehend my >What?< face and continue, "He told me to tell ya. And... He wants to see ya. Now."

Now? I asked myself. It needs to be important then. "Well... Ok' then.", and I climb down the old metal staircase, and feel how the air enter to all the lacunas I have between my clothes.

"Hey! Hurry up dude! Ya'lready know that I don't like a lot tha heights." Clint shout from above, but I only laugh of it. "Isn't funny at all, Newt.", then, five minutes after that, we touch the ground.

"We're now on tha floor, ya little 'pooper-diaper' baby." I say to Clint laughing at it, but he only answer me with a serious face.

"If, ya finish to make jokes of my fear of heights... Alcalá is on tha Crop, waitin' for ya.", and Clint stop and stay there.

"See ya later." I tell him and I smile at him.

Calm down, all will be okay. I tell me to myself when I realize I was getting nervious about it.

I don't separate from the beach shore, and I got to the Crop in less than ten minutes.

"Hey, Selia, refill tha water-bucket, please." I hear Alcalá's voice from the distance. Alcalá ordering as the usual... I think; and that's true.

"Newt! Tha guy I wanted to see" Alcalá shout from the distance when he realize I was backwards of him.

But I just give him a middle smile. "Clint, told me that, obviously, ya want to see me..." I tell him.

"Well, yes.", he answer me, but now seriously. "Okay, well, until we know, tomorrow is your Spring Day", Alcalá walk near to me, and then he grap me the shoulder.

"Spring Day?" I asked him.

"Yes. Is tha day, we think, ya born" born? I have not thought of it, until now. "So tomorrow, Miah, will lead ya to tha Trek. And before ya ask, tha Trek is a tour through all our city... The Hedge is on it."

The Hedge. I have been thinking of it in these days. The Hedge is the thing that divide our city from the Forest; we can't go farther than the Hedge.

"Why? Why tha Hedge?" I say Hedge, like if was a prohibited word.

"Uh?... 'Cause ya are getting older, and ya need to know more of our city."

I don't know why, but I'm not excited about it. "Okay, that's okay" I try to put excitement on the sentence, but I think I failed.

"That's all. Now, go to work, you lazy." Alcalá say and turn around.

I do the same, and I repeat the words I have hearded on my mind.

The Hedge.

I think tomorrow, will be a very important day... Thought.

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