CHAPTER 3: The Hedge Of Life

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Is the same boy and the same girl of my last dream. But now they are sittin on rocks near... The beach. Is dark, maybe because is late night or because is a dream in the nothing.

"I'm nervous." Say the boy.

"Me too... Newt." NEWT?! I shout inside my... Head? But... This things are confuse. "But we can go farther that great ocean. We can go farther the Ocean of Tears."

"That's his name?"

"They usually call it like that..." the girl answer him. "And I prefer calling it like that."

"But, Anny we can't go." And after he finished that sentence people appear from the nothing and grab them.

They wear black clothes and I cann't see their faces.

"Newt!" She shout mean she was fighting for get free her arm.

"Anny, no!" He scream and he was fighting too. "Stop! Leave her alone!"
"Newt, help me!"

"I will Anny, I will!" Before he could finish that sentence the people that grabbed them, separate them.

"Newt!" The girl's scream was getting low by the distance, and he knew the meaning of that... They wil separate them... Forever, because they are dangerous together. Dangerous? I think.

Dangerous together, because they want their freedom. They're different. An that words full the space after that bad dream, and after that all become dark and silent. Like the nothing. The only thing I have ever known.


I wake up with the poor bright of the first glints of the sun. Then I remember a poor dream that now is just gallant, and after that I remember the real thing. The Spring Day... My Spring Day.

I wake up and stand up from the bed where I was laying. Then I walk to the restroom to take a shower.

After the cool water touched my skin, I wipe all my body and put clothes on. A grey t-shirt, black jeans, a blue sweater, and beige tennis shoes; all in just less than ten minutes.

I'm ready. I tell to myself.

I walk to the brown wooden door and go out, and breathe heavily until my nostrils hurt. Is a cool morning and sun is almost waking up, that only means something: The Ferris Wheel.

I walk firmly through the city, and see some people already awaken, but most of the city is on silence. And I prefer it that way.
By the time I get to the old Ferris Wheel I see someone already up there, something strange. I climb up the old rusted tubes that creates the stairs to go up, and by the time I'm almost there I recognize his face. Carlos.

"I thought you'll be here before..." he says whithout taking the look on the skyline.

"I waked up late, thought." I answer him and then I sit down next to him.

"Told ya I'll see ya today..." he say me and smile, but still looking at the skyline. "Yes, ya know: Hombre de palabra."

"Yes, I know" and I give him a little smile.

"Hey, now, I know why do you like Doing these everytime... Is beautiful", Carlos say.

Seconds passed, and then minutes, until he said another word. "Okay, is enough..." he stands up and look me. "Your Sprin' Day starts... Now. Are ya ready?" And I know that I will never forgive that words.

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