CHAPTER 6: The Shadow Behind The Forest

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I can not believe it, but I have been dancing with Keren like for an hour ago. She was not lying about the "great party" here. Because they bring us hats and ties of neon colors, as glow sticks and then they had told us to change of clothes, and some people has gone to little rooms in front of the table with food, and they had go out with some white clothes.

"What's that about 'changin' our clothes' thin'?" I ask Keren.

"Well, they had told me that tha rooms have some white clothes that is of your size and then they do somethin' with ya that is awesome" Keren answer me a little anxious.

"I'll not change my clothes..." then I think of it. All these is strange... The party in middle of the Forest... People having fun here, like if can pass the Hedge with all the freedom we want... All is strange... What's really happening here?"

"C'mon, is gonna be great" and she smile me.

I just nod and follow her to the rooms. Two persons go out of two rooms and then Keren grab one room's door and look at me, "See ya later..."

"See ya later" I reply, and we enter at the same time to the rooms.


I enter to the room and is dark and silent; that just remember me my dreams. Then like someone had heared me, a pale blue neon light turn on. Then in front of me different sizes of white shirts, tennis shoes and jeans. Need to change... For what? Then I chose my clothes and I put it on. Then I start to think another time.

Can I trust Keren? Can I trust these people? What's happening? But I have no answers. Then in one side under me a little bag appear from the nothing; I grab it and I put inside my old clothes.

I open the door and go out, and I find Keren waiting for me.

"Aleluya, ya last more than a girl" she says and smile me. "Hey, c'mon!" And then she grab me by the hand and pull me to her.

She walk over the crowd of teenagers and with her hand touching my hand... Just giving me a strange feeling... Just like if from the nothing... In some manner, I like her...

"This will be awesome" she says another time and then we stop.

"What's happenin'?" I ask her almost like disappointed.

"The Glow-Dye will start."

"The Glow... Dye?" I ask her another time.

"Just shut up and live." Then she doesn't notice that her hand is still holding my hand.

I don't know how to act, so I just do nothing. I'll just wait of every single thing this strange but comfortable place brings to me. I think, and that's true.

We wait together until a teenager, boy, with brown, large and wavy hair appear in front of us but... Above us, in a terrace, somehow.

"Are ya ready?!", he shout, but he has a microphone. "I'll be great, c'mon, shout!"

Then the people shout.


And the shout gets louder.

"C'mon, louder!", he continue to shout.

And then is incredible louder.

"Tha's what I like" this time he is just talking normaly. "Now, the Glow-Dye is starting."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2015 ⏰

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