CHAPTER 5: Into the Woods

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I feel like if I'm flying, but rapidly that change. I hit something rough. A trunk... A tree trunk. I think, and that's correct. I try to grab something and in an instant that hurts; I grab part of the tree trunk so firmly, that parts of the trunk enter to my nails and hurts.

"Newt!" Another shout from... Behind... Behind the Hedge. I'm out. In the Forest.

I focus on and see that I'm very up in a big and thick tree. I look backward and see the big concrete grey wall standing there.

"I'm out..." I say slowly. I cann't believe that after some many years... Days... I'm out... But do that means... Am I free? Well, until now... All is going good, and I expect it stay the same.

The sun is almost gone and I need to go down the tree to... To what? What I'll do now? "Search for the Tender" Janette told me, but... I had not think of it... Does it was real that? I thought she and Luke disappeared from along time ago...

What did I have done?... I don't thought of it well... All has gone...

My life. My home. My friends. My house. My city...

I weigh and sit down on the tree branch... Am I doing the right thing? But now, is too late.

Then I hear a sound; another shout, but this one came from behind me and the big tree where I am sitting now. What? I ask in my head. I try to get down the tree in one jump, but then I realize is impossible to jump down the tree and fall in a good mode. So I decide I need to climb down the tree.
I climb down step by step, branch by branch; until I get like four meters from the floor, then I decide to jump.

When my feet touch the ground I feel a rush of some awkward dolor. I made a face because of that strange dolor, and then look all my surrounding. Is a place with a lot of trees, the Forest, and that gives the floor a little dim-look. Now I don't see the bright of the sun; here the difference of the day and night is, nothing. They both looks the same.

Then the same shout that brought me down. I look to every direction to see from where the sound came, but I don't know from where it came from.

And now what? I ask. Where am I going? How I'll know where the Tender is? And that's the truth.

I breath the Forest air and then realize it is different in some manner from the city air one. And then I ask the same thing I have asked before. Am I free now?

And then I sit on the floor near a great tree; I put my back on it and without thinking of it I fall asleep.


Is dark. Cold. And silent.

For me, the nothing. Then from the nothing a boy appear in front of my sight. It looks sad or upset; or maybe afraid. He is in a black chair in middle of a big grey cold room.

"Where's Anny?!" The boy shout.

"She is fine, don't worry" a man voice that come through a speaker right in the corner of the room. "And you'll be to, just only work with us. Don't fight, is unnecessary."

"I want to see Anny!" He scream.

"You will... Only work with us.", the man voice got depth; maybe was getting angry.

"I just want to see her! What do you did to her?! Where is she?"

"Shut up!" The man shout, "You'll never see her again, is dangerous for both of you.", his voice was calmly, but represent fierceness. "That's why we are doing this, that's why we are doing the Hedge" The Hedge... Why did they builded it? "Okay, I don't care; you'll work for us, you want it or not.", then he speak to another person right next to him, I think so. But the only thing I heared from all was: "Made the Bridge Proof start."

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