Desert Sphinx

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I sigh loudly before leaning on my hands.

It's hard being a god.

People are never satisfied, and now they're complaining about not having enough food as if eating was mandatory for peasants.

The moment I feel hands on my shoulder I smile before looking back.

"How are you, my dear?" He greets.

Much better now that I've seen you. I think but as if I'd ever say it.

"The people want more food suddenly. Like the amount of food was good for twenty-six hundred years but all of a sudden they want more food." I complain and he only kisses my neck.

"Nika, people need to eat, it vital to life." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Just like me. I need to eat." He says biting my neck and I turn to face him as he connects my lips and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Then who am I to deny food to such a beautiful sphinx," I say and he picks me up.

He drops me on the bed and I pull him down.

"Sire!" A guard barges in and I sit up pissed.

"For this, you shall be put to death!" I say pissed and Boa only cup my face.

"No, you're fine, what is it." He says and I frown causing him to play with my hair and melt all my restraint.

The guard only looks relieved before remembering what became here for.

"A boy stabbed a guard." He says and I stand.

"An attack on the king's guards is an attack on the king himself. Put him to death." I say and the guard turns to leave.

"How old is he?" Boa asks and I frown.

"Don't undermind me," I say and he shoots me a look of disappointment.

"He's seven." The guard says and fury fills his eyes.

"He's a child! You mention that before anything. Bring the boy here immediately, and if so much as a hair is pulled from his head. I will see to it that every guard responsible is beheaded with a dull ax head." He says and I smile. Loving when he gets upset.

"The moment the guard is gone I grab his robes."

"As your king, you shall never again overstep me," I say and he only smiles.

"Well as your husband I do what I want." He says and I smirk.

"And do you have any idea what I want to do?" He teases and I smile.

"Your king?" I say and he smiles before kissing me deeply.


The little boy was drug in and made to bow before me and I realize immediately the feeling of déjà vu.

Only the moment he looked up do I take note of his cat-like eyes. More amber than Boa's but strikingly similar.

"Go to hell." He addresses and I frown.

Only Boa walks over to the boy and picks him up.

"Rest easy. For now, you're safe." He says in his honey-like voice and the boy instantly looks up at him like he was a god.

He looked to my Boa as though he was perfect and it instantly angered me because I was the only one who could see that perfect side of him.

Boa took a moment to look over the boy before sending for a change of clothes and food while I sat on the bed glaring at them.

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