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Ame's P.O.V

"Ah- Stop it, dad!" West Virginia squealed, as she fought against the water balloons that were being chucked over at her. She was smiling, as laughs left her mouth.

"Hmm, how about no." I sarcastically bellowed, while another fragile orb was fired at the girl.

Suddenly water splashed on my back in multiple spots. Most of the amo hit my feathers, and I tensed them. My body turned on its heels, my eyes sharpened, and I looked out upon a hysterical group of states, who were just waiting to get a taste of their own medicine.

I flung the few balloons in my hands at them, while the girl behind me escaped from the fray.

The hot sun continued to batter our shoulders, as we threw the cooling devices at our opponents. The hose in our backyard eventually got grabbed. The beholder, Colorado, began to terrorize all of the people outside with the jet of icy liquid.

No one was safe.

My hair, feathers, and trunks got soaked in the crossfire, as I tried to wrangle the overpowered weapon from the boy's extatic hands.

When I had won, I instantly sprayed him back, as I started my own reign of fear. Screams from my states echoed around the vast area, as I chased them around with the ultimate weapon in my arms. They certainly didn't like that, but I did.

A pressure was applied to my back after a bit, and I went tumbling down into the murky ground. One of the states that toppled me over took the hose, stood up, and sprayed me. The others around me were jokingly chastising me, while they rooted on their brother; Georgia.

"That's what you get, dad!" Pennsylvania exclaimed.

"You got 'em good, Georgia." Vermont commented, as he tapped his brother on the shoulder.

Georgia grinned, as he slowly turned off the hose, "Yeah yeah, I know I did. Anyways, who's hungry?"

I sighed as I stumbled up and off of the ground. The wings that were attached to my back were even heavier than they normally were, and I knew that they would be a pain to clean later, "I'm not super hungry, so you can decide what you want-"

"I call dibs on the ice cream!"

"Louisiana, how dare you!" Arkansas huffed.

"When I say dinner, I mean dinner." I stated. "You may have any dinner food. We'll discuss dessert later."

There was a unanimous groan of annoyance, but they all nodded their heads.

"Could we do a barbeque? It's still light outside, and I can wait a bit 'till we eat." Montana suggested.

I lifted my head up and down, "That's fine by me, just be cleaned up by around seven, okay?"

The rest of the states that were there looked excited, as they happily buzzed about. They rushed inside, as they shouted between each other to get the ingredients ready.

I followed in after them, though I planned to stay there instead of heading back out. I knew that my states could handle themselves, for they had done it for years. However, I still worried endlessly about them. After all, they were my kids and my family.

As I rounded around the corner, my head and hair was encapsulated with a dry cloth. It ran around my scalp, as giggles left my lips. The person doing this trickorous deed pulled me back against them, while the towel on my head continued to be scrubbed.

Darkness of Ours (RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now