Chapter 5

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Germany's P.O.V (Also, here's a wing reference that I made a while ago)

I felt a slight ticklish feeling cascade over my forehead, and lost, sweet words made their way into my mind.

I pried one of my eyes open, as I was met with a glittering ray of light that shone through one of the cracks in my curtains. My room was still pretty dim, aside from the few spots scattered around. Everything was a bit fuzzed, and the lighter portions popped out at me, sort of like the luminous portions in a stadium.

A little groan escaped my lips, as I sat up and stretched my arms out. My wrist rubbed my tired eyes, while my right hand reached out to grab my glasses. I popped them on my face. A cluster of feathers tucked behind my back, pulled me to the left, and I rested my head on my lover's shoulder.

"Morning, Polen." I uttered, as my arms rounded about his waist. My eyes fell closed, and I felt exhaustion pulling me back to the land of dreams.

"Good morning, love." He replied. His arms made their way under mine and landed on my back, "How did you sleep?"

A smile stretched itself across my face when a few pecks were peppered onto my head, "Good, what time is it?"

Poland's head twisted away for a second, until it snapped back over to me, "It's around eight, but I got up about an hour ago, and you'll never guess what I found."

He quickly shuffled to get up, and I cocked my eyebrow up out of intrigue. Nowadays, there weren't many surprises around here, it was kinda predictable if I were to be honest. So, this was odd.

He rushed out of the room, which left me sitting on the end of our shared bed wondering what he went to get. In the meantime, my head turned over to our alarm clock on the dresser by our bed. It was indeed around eight; it being eight twenty-one. I subconsciously wondered why he hadn't woken me up with him. I figured that he just needed some time to himself, since he didn't really get a ton.

Once my boyfriend stumbled back into our room, I noticed a ripped open envelope in his hands, along with a piece of paper that had scribbled writing over both sides. He took a seat next to me and handed me the coarse paper, "Here, take a look at this."

"What is it?" I asked, as my eyes traveled over the several words written in a black pen's ink.

My partner's pointer finger traversed to the first few words on the page, "It's from the person that we have been mildly obsessed with, Cabi."

I handed the thing back to Poland, as I tilted my head. This was sending me a lot of mixed signals, most of which weren't good, "Hun, remember when Massachusetts told us about what she heard about that bug on a card? What if this has one too?"

"It did."

"What!?" I screeched. A hammer pounded in my chest, while my paranoia about the situation spiked. "But how could she? What if there are others somewhere else? Could there be people spying on us? Where was it?"

"Shh," One of the dual-colored country's wings wrapped around me, and his arm rubbed my shoulder. "Calm down, Niemcy. We're fine. I doubt that she would be that persistent to send people to set up equipment, especially since five people are here. And the bug was fairly obvious, she painted it white, and carelessly threw it into the envelope."

"But what if?!" I pressured, as I clung to him. However, I felt slightly relieved, because I was being sheltered from the world. My legs tucked onto the bed, my eyes faltered slightly, and I felt another bunch of feathers make their way across me.

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