Chapter 13

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America's P.O.V

"Alright, Goodnight, kiddos. I'll see you in the morning."

I gently kissed each of my girls' foreheads. They all smiled, and I saw their eyes fall closed. I turned to the door, flicked off the light, and whispered, "I love you,"

"We love you too." They chanted back to me. I grinned, went out of the room, and closed the door behind me.

My feet carried me over to my boyfriend's room. My hand wrapped around the knob, and I slid the door open. Our room was dark, for all of the lights were snuffed out. I figured that he already fell asleep.

As I walked over to him, somber feelings corroded my brain. He was under a lot of stress, we all were really, but not as much as he was. Preparing for an ambush was no easy feat. And, on top of that, he was dealing with requests to go back to his country, so that officials could monitor his health.

It was all just overwhelming for Russia.

The lamp next to my bed turned on after lunch hand pulled down on the metal string. I carefully laid next to my lover under the blankets and wrapped an arm around him, so that my hand rested on top of his chest. I could feel the soft beats of his heart press up against my palm.




The beat soothed my worries. He isn't gone now, and he never will be; I'll make sure of it. I wouldn't let death yank him to the violent afterlife.

My lips gradually made it up Russia's neck, onto his jaw, and finally ended up by his cheek. That would've been where I ended things, but my partner had different plans.

I felt hand on my head bring me closer, while I saw his head turn. He kissed me. It was slow, but sweet; evidence of exhaustion waned in on the both of us.

Once we both pulled back, my forehead pressed against his, and a smile befell my lips. The Russian pulled me closer to him, and my wing stretched under his arm, so that it could swirl around on his back.

"Not even a hello?" Russia teased, as a smirk cracked across his face.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Nope, you don't get one." I tried to keep a straight face, but my facade broke away once my partner raised one of his eyebrows up. After my fit of giggles subsided, I replied. "Okay, okay...Hello, how have you been?"

He grinned with satisfaction, yet I could see something linger behind his sky-like eyes, "I'm better now that you're here."

"Is everything alright?" I questioned, as I pried myself off of him and sat down. My legs crossed over one another and my gaze softened.

He nodded, shifted onto his knees, and pecked the space between my eyes, "I'm fine, love. Just a bit tired from this whole war situation."

"I isn't exactly easy to deal with war." I comforted. I grabbed his hand and hoisted it up to my cheek, while I leaned myself on it. "But you're doing a great job. You're level-headed, you have seen the warning signs, and you're doing something about it."

A humble smile tugged at Russia's lips, "Thank you..."

His thumb ran across my cheek for a while, until he crashed back down on his spine and brought me tumbling with him. I landed on his chest with a small grunt, "Why'd you do that?"

Darkness of Ours (RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now