Chapter 7

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Russia's P.O.V




The sound of my feet hitting the floor was enough to drive me insane.

I kept telling myself to calm down, but it wasn't working. I felt giddy with excitement, yet I was also so nervous. My nails were chipped thanks to my incessant biting. My eyes feverishly dashed over to the window that faced towards the driveway, as they searched for a car to pull in. Yet, there wasn't one to be found.

The sun outside was dipping below the horizon, and the clouds in the sky reflected the colors of the night. Trees wafted back and forth in the shallow breeze, little critters ravaged the ground on the outskirts of the house, and fireflies swarmed in clusters in the grass.

A knock from the other end of the door to my room startled me, and made me whip my head back, "Come in."

With a little click, the door opened and Germany walked through. The gray shirt that adorned his shoulders was being fumbled with, because his fingers were twisted inside of the fabric's surface.

"Yes, Germany?" I asked. My tone was sort of desperate, but I tried my best to cover it up.

"Um, I just wanted to tell you that they'll be here in a few minutes, so you might want to head down..." His voice trailed off at the end, and I nodded.

"Okay," I murmured, while I glanced out the window again. "I'll be down soon..."

I expected him to leave shortly after that, but he didn't. Thus, we stood there in silence for an unreasonable amount of time.

"Hey," He finally uttered. I turned back to him, and saw the same fidgety behavior as earlier, but worse. "I know I'm not somebody you feel super comfortable talking with, but I've noticed that ever since that call from Canada about America being back came in, you've been off. It's okay if you don't feel comfortable enough to share it, but I'm here if you want to talk for a couple of minutes."

I was a little shocked by the proposal. During my time here, it had been like treading on thin ice that was covered in shattered glass. This sudden change in attitude was weird.

So, I replied, "Thanks, but no thanks." I decided to change the conversation's topic. "You said that they'll be here in a few minutes?"

The German nodded, "Mhm, we should head down." With that, he turned around, and gave his head a little tug forward to indicate that I should follow him.

I took a deep breath in, and let it out. My nerves were on high alert, my heart was beating out of my chest, and my legs wobbled, as if they were made out of jello. Just to make sure I was stable enough, I took in another one, then started walking.

Warm lights illuminated the hallway, and they made me want to doze off. As I walked, my shadow was cast onto the wall, which then mimicked my movements like a puppet controlled by strings. I could understand how someone could feel welcome here, not only was the atmosphere made to be that way, but the people who lived here were, as others would say, humble and relatively calm. I could vouch for that when they were around Canada or Massachusetts, but not me.

The two of us clamored down the stairs just in time to see a pair of headlights pull onto the gravel patch in front of the house.

My breath caught itself when some of the doors popped open and the light went dark. I watched as two figures got out of the car, and one of them went to help a third out from the back. The first hovered in front of the other two, but eventually rushed forward to open the door.

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