chapter 14

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"I guess this is it." I said as we got to the only passengers aloud area.

"I guess so." Damiano said looking sad.

"I'm going to miss you girls so much!!!" Victoria said as she hugged me and then Sophia.

"I'm going to miss you guys too." I said pouting before hugging Thomas and Ethan.

"You're my new besties." Thomas told us.

"So are you." I said looking between them.

"Sophia couldn't have asked for a better best friend." Ethan said looking at me.

"Well, now she's your best friend too." I said smiling at him. "And thank you guys. Really. You didn't have to wake up this early just to bring us here. We could've called an Uber."

"That's nonsense! Then we couldn't have said goodbye properly. Yeah, no way I would've let you come here without me." Damiano said sternly which made me chuckle.

"I'm gonna miss you." I said after sighing.

"Me too. These weeks were enough to make me used to having you around." He said pouting.

"I'm going to miss the one person that understands me as well as Sophia." I said laughing while starting to feel my eyes burn.

"Please don't cry. If you cry, I cry." He said running his thumb up and down my cheek, trying to sooth me.

"Too late for that." I said before hugging him, as I felt the tears running down my face.

"Great. Now I'm crying too." He said lowly before sniffling.

We stood there for a couple of minutes in each other's arms, trying to memorize what it felt like.

I was crying not only because I was leaving Damiano and my friends, but also because I have no idea when I'm going to see them again. Sure, we can facetime every day, and text every hour, but it's not the same. Mainly when there's no date whatsoever. I felt like as soon as I stepped on that plane everything was about to change, and it scared me. Thinking that this relationship could be nothing more than a summer love, and that Vic, Thomas and Ethan could be nothing more than strangers that I got to meet on vacation and now we're just people that simply know each other. That scared me. Sophia must be going through the same thing. If I was someone that liked to talk about their feelings, I feel like this would be much easier, but no, my stubborn ass has to keep everything to herself.

It sucks, believe me.

Finally, Damiano and I pulled away at looked at each other's eyes.

"See you soon... Kathy." He said, his lips twitching upwards.

"See you soon... Dami." I said smiling softly at him.

We kissed each other goodbye, and Sophia and I left. I ended up looking back, sending them a smile before I was completely out of sight.

"Are you okay?" Sophia asked me as we sat on the plane. I admit, I wasn't with the happier face ever, but I was trying... really badly, apparently.

"Yeah, totally. Don't worry about it." I said before giving her a fake smile.

"Okay..." She said narrowing her eyes at me. I don't think she believed me, but she knew better than insist with me.

"Look who's back!!" Scott said we got inside our house. He ended up picking me up at the airport. How sweet of him.

UNPREDICTABLE - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now