chapter 35

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"Oh, yeah, I heard about you... not for good reasons." Damiano said taking another step closer to Dean.

"Should I be offended?" He asked while looking at me.

"Yes. You should." Damiano said taking another step closer to Dean, making them only a few inches apart, which clearly amused Dean because he started laughing.

"You really think you're intimidating, don't you?" He asked him before looking him up and down. "I can see why he's your type. He's got that fire in him." He said smirking at me.

"You know nothing about her." Damiano said angrily before clenching his jaw.

"Oh, mate... I know way more about her than you think." He said smiling at us.

"Why? Because you abused her? That's why you think you know?!" Damiano said poking his chest which made Dean laugh again.

"I didn't abuse her." Dean said copying Damiano's expression as his humored one fell down.

"Oh, you didn't? Funny... from what I heard, that's exactly what you did." Damiano said making eye contact with him. "In case I remember correctly, her brother threatened to turn you in if you didn't stay away from her... did he not?" Damiano asked, fully knowing that he was getting under Dean's skin. "So... I'm going to ask you this one time, and time only... why the fuck are trying to make your way back into her life?"

"I don't have to say anything to you." Dean spat.

"Oh, but I think you do... Scott might've not turned you in a year ago, but I sure as hell can now. After all, the proofs are still there..." He said taunting Dean. "Why... are you... back?"

"I want her back." Dean confessed.

"Why now?" Damiano asked.

"Because she's with you... I don't want that." Dean said avoiding eye Damiano's intense stare.

"Why?" Damiano asked once again.

"Because I love her." He said finally meeting Damiano's eyes. We all gasped at the information. I felt someone grab my hand. I looked up and Harry who was already looking down at me, before giving me a small squeeze, letting me know he was there for me.

My mind immediately went back to my conversation with Harry a few days ago. So, he was right... Dean did all he did because he loved me... I was not sure how to feel about that new information.

"Sorry to inform you, mate... but she doesn't love you. In fact, I think she despises you for all the shit that you put her through." He said, venom lacing through his words. "All the pain that you caused her... I don't think she will ever be able to go past that."

Dean didn't say anything. He just looked at me. His eyes were showing regret, guilt, sorrow... and for some reason, I didn't feel bad. I couldn't bring myself to feel bad about him. After everything he did, feelings these things were the minimum payback possible.

"Leave." I said quietly, making everyone's head turn towards me. "Please, just-just leave..." I said giving him pleading eyes.

Dean simply nodded his head and looked down. As he turned away and was ready to walk away, he turned back to give me one last look.

"I'm sorry." That's all he said before leaving us there without knowing what to say.

After that whole scene, we all went back to Vic's. I told them that I wanted to write a song, and they left me in her "music" room, while the rest were on her living room.

UNPREDICTABLE - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now