chapter 20

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"Katherine." I heard a familiar voice behind me. I was on the balcony, getting some fresh air to clear my mind.

"Hi, Vic." I said turning around to face her.

"Look, I really think you should talk to him." She said stepping closer to me.

"I can't, Vic. Okay? Last time I did that I asked why he cheated on me, and you know what he said? He said that he didn't know. How do you want me to not hate someone that told me he loved me and the next day was cheating on me with his ex and doesn't even have a good reason for it?!" I ranted, feeling my eyes getting watery.

"I get it, Kate. Believe me, I do. But you know I'm his best friend as well, and I've never seen him so miserable. I've known him for almost 8 years now, and I've never seen him like this. Ever since you two broke up, he's just not himself anymore." She explained.

"Then why did he do it? If I was so important to him, then why did he break my heart like that?" I asked her and she just sighed looking down.

"Where do you want to go?" Billie asked me. Since we didn't have much time to get to know each other before, we agreed to grab a coffee together this afternoon.

"Is it too bad if I say Starbucks?" I asked her.

"Not at all! I love Starbucks. You're good." She said laughing.

"Great, then let's go!" I said intertwining my arm with hers, walking towards the Starbucks nearby.

We got there and ordered our drinks. I got an iced latte with caramel, and Billie got a blended strawberry lemonade. Billie was recognized right away, and I was a while later. Some people asked us for autographs and pictures, and we sat on a table, talking to a group of girls.

"Are you guys here because of the Grammys?" A girl asked.

"Yes, we are." Billie said chuckling at the girl's excitement.

"Are you two friends now?" Another girl asked.

"We're besties now. But don't tell Harry." I whispered.

"Oh my god! I saw your insta storie this morning with him, Dua Lipa and Miley Cyrus!" A girl said loudly.

"Yeah. I was already friends with Dua, and yesterday she introduced me to Miley. Today I met Harry and Billie. I already love them." I said laughing a bit.

"Good to know." Billie said laughing as well.

"Are you going to perform?" One girl asked us.

"I'm not because I performed last year, but this girl here is." Billie said placing an arm around my shoulders.

"That's amazing!!!" They said super excited witch made us laugh.

"Can I ask you a question?" A girl asked me.

"Of course." I said smiling at her.

"You and Damiano dated right? How is it for you to see each other perform at the Grammys?" She asked smiling at me. There it is... the questions I wanted to avoid. Billie gave me a worried look, but I shrugged it off.

"I can't say I'm not proud, you know? Damiano and the rest of band came a long way since I first met them, and they truly deserve the success they have. I think he feels the same way, since I only started writing songs again after I met him." I said trying to hide the pain this theme caused me.

"That's very sweet." The girl said looking at me in awe.

"Well, girls it was dope talking to you, but we need to go." Billie said getting up. She must've noticed how uncomfortable I was.

"We loved talking to you!"

"We love you!"

"We're going to vote for you at the Grammys!"

The girls said all those lovely words and it truly warmed my heart. Billie must be used to it, but it was all brand new to me, still.

We turned around from the table and saw Damiano and Thomas walking inside. Great, this was just great.

I quickly looked at Billie and she gave me a reassuring look. Unfortunately, Damiano saw me and was going to talk when I stopped him.

"Not here. Not now." I said before leaving with Billie.

"Noah told me she's a fan of yours!" Miley told me. Currently, Miley and I were on an esplanade talking.

"Really?! That's so cool! I love her music as well!" I said smiling widely.

"She's going to freak out about that." She said laughing.

"Miley! Hey!" I heard a way too familiar voice call for her. I immediately rolled my eyes.

"Damiano! Hi!" Miley said before looking at me.

"So, how are you?" He said sitting on the chair between us.

"I'm good! You?" Miley said smiling.

"I was good before you got here." I said giving him a fake smile.

"That's a bummer." He said looking at me. "I'm good too, thanks for asking, Miley."

"Why are you here?" I asked glaring at him.

"Can't I spend time with my friend Miley?" He asked me. The little shit is trying to get under my skin.

"Sure. But not with me here." I said getting up. "Sorry, Miley. I'll see you later?" I asked her.

"Yeah, of course. I'll call you." She said and I nodded.

"I hope you're happy." I said giving him another fake smile. As I was turning around, he grabbed my wrist. I quickly turned my head to glare at him.

"Why don't you stay a little bit more, Kathy?" He asked me. I leaned towards him and got my mouth close to his ear.

"Don't you ever call me that again. You killed Kathy... she doesn't exist anymore, all thanks to you." I whispered in his ear. I felt his heartbeat race which confused the hell out of me.

"See you later, Miley!" I said after stepping away from Damiano. I looked back at him and gave him a disappointed look. Whatever game he was playing, I wasn't interested.

How can someone be so confusing?! First, he dedicates me a song, saying that he wants me back, and that he was willing to fight for my love, and then he acts like a total dick. Seriously, this guy has some issues, I'm telling you. He was making this hating him thing really easy for me.


Hey guys!!! How are you today??

Looks like Damiano is acting like a little bitch right now, why's that?

Also there's going to be a double update today, thank me later ;) and the next chapter may or may not be a Damiano POV 

Please don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts!! I LOVE reading your comments!

I love you guys, see you in a bit!! <33

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