chapter 28

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TW: This capter contains mentions of sexual abuse


Ryan immediately rushed over me and grabbed my shoulders

"Everything's gonna be okay. He's not going to come near you." He told me.

"You can't say that to me, Ryan. You know you can't." I said shaking my head. I started to feel my heartbeat increasing, my breathing was getting heavier and heavier with each second that went by. I started to feel my eyes getting watery.

I glanced over at my friends and noticed their worried and clueless expressions. I wanted to explain them everything, but I couldn't. I knew that if I tried to explain what happened, I would break.

"I need some air." I said quietly, walking towards my balcony.

He was back... he was really back. The person that caused me the most pain and agony was here again. Why? Why did he have to come back now? He already made my life a living hell a year ago so why bother coming back?

Every time I thought about him, it all came back to me. The pain, the agony, the suffering... all the memories, every night I cried myself to sleep, every time I just wanted to disappear, to make it all go away... all the times where I felt like I was suffocating, like there was no way out... it all came back.

I remember how scared Sophia and Ryan were for me at the time. I've never seen them so worried about me as that time... even they are scared of him. I was only to get out of that nightmare thanks to them. I genuinely think that I wouldn't be where I am today if it was if wasn't for them. I remember felling like there was all darkness and no light in my life. There was no purpose for me...

"Baby, what's wrong?" I heard Damiano ask softly behind me. I didn't answer. I just kept looking at the buildings is front of mine. I felt Damiano hesitantly walk towards me, until he places his hand on my shoulder. "Kathy, please talk to me... tell me what's wrong."

I looked up at him I couldn't help my actions. I let a few tears fall down and I hugged him for dear life. I wanted him to make it go away... all the pain that was about to come. I wanted him to make me forget it all... but he couldn't. I knew that I had to tell him everything, but for now, all I wanted was just for him to hold me.

"I'm here for you... I got you." He whispered, stroking my hair softly trying to sooth me.

When we got back inside, my eyes were red and puffy, and my cheeks still had dry tears in them. Damiano had no idea what he was supposed to do but being there for me was enough.

"Oh, Kate..." Sophia said running towards me before engulfing me in a hug. I glanced at my three friends who had worried expressions along with glazed looks... they knew.

"You told them?" I asked her.

"I'm sorry. It's just that they were so worried that I felt like they needed to know, to understand what you've been through. If you didn't want me to, I'm so sor-" She started but I cut her off.

"No, no. It's okay... it's actually easier that way." I said sniffling.

"Uh, can someone please explain to me what's going on?" Damiano asked, noticing that he was the only clueless one.

"Do you want me to?" Ryan asked me.

"No... I-I can do it." I said before taking a deep breath.

"Are you sure?" He asked me, just to confirm my decision.

"Positive." I said smiling lightly at him. I walked towards the couch and sat down. Damiano sat at the table in front of me, eager to know who could've possibly put his girlfriend at this state.

"It all started a few months after we broke up. I met this guy... Dean Thomson. At first, I thought he was a good friend, you know? Always there for me when I needed him, fun to be around... and since he was an agent and I trusted him, I made him my manager... until he started to change." I said before taking another big breath, preparing myself for the worst part.

"He started to manipulate me into doing things his way, either it was how my music was sounding, or what I said in an interview. Then, things started to go even more downhill." I said holding back the tears that were threatening to come out. "One day... he started to abuse me mentally... every single day, he abused me with his mind games... until one day, it wasn't just mentally anymore..." I said looking down, trying to avoid any kind of eye contact. "He touched me where he shouldn't have, he hit me if he wanted to, he said things that were inappropriate, and even if I wanted to turn him, I couldn't... because no matter what, all I could see was the guy who was once one of my closest friends..." I couldn't take it anymore, so I allowed some tears to run down my cheek.

"Time went by, and I hated him... I don't think I've ever hated someone so much in my entire life..." I sniffled. "Until one day, Ryan and Scott threatened to turn him in. They told him they had enough evidence to put him behind bars, but I begged them not to actually do it, because even though I hated him, I still saw my friend. So, he agreed to stay away. He agreed to stop being my manager and never contact me again... until today." I said the last two words so quietly that barely came out as a whisper.

Damiano didn't say anything. He simply took a deep breath and engulfed me in a hug. I cried on his shoulder while he ran his hand up and down my back, calming me down.

"I'll kill him... I swear, I'll kill him." He spat angrily.

"No. You're not going to do anything!" I said pulling away from the hug.

"He can't get away with it, Kathy... He just can't!" He said angrily getting up. "He can't get away with what he did to you!"

"It's all in the past, now." I said trying to calm him down.

"Clearly, it's not because if it was, he wouldn't be knocking on your door!" He yelled.

"Dude, chill. It's not her fault." Thomas said looking between Damiano and I.

"I know, I know." He sighed run his hand through his hair. "I just think it's unfair that he got away with all the shit that he did!"

"Look, I think we should leave those thoughts for tomorrow and just be here and support Kate right now... she needs us." Ethan said pointing at me.

"I totally agree." Vic said and everyone agreed with them.

"You're right, you're right... I'm sorry Kathy..." He said sitting next to me, kissing my head. Tonight was gonna be a long night.


Hey guys!!!! How are you doing?

That was some heave chapter...

Well, now you know who Dean Thompson is.

I hope you're enjoying this story so far!!

I wanted to write a bigger chapter but I had no time, so there you go ig ahahah

Please be sure to vote and comment your thoughts!!

I love you guys!!! <33

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