Chapter 2

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Adrien followed his father down the entryway to the secretive levels of his own home that he didn't even know existed until a few minutes prior, walking through the subterranean floors,

"Adrien, look, a lot of what you're about to see is going to no sense and is most likely going to scare you, but you've got to promise to give me a chance here, alright? It'll all fit together soon," Gabriel warned, his hand resting on the console to unlock the vault door stood before them, "Just be brave for me."

Those words unnerved the already anxious blond boy, his mind starting to present him with what it imagined to be potential worst-case scenarios, some more nightmarish than what he deemed to be the more rational thoughts, little did he know some of the ones he wrote off as impossible were the closest to the truth waiting behind the steel door.

The heavy metal door whirred to life with the sound of a motor starting behind the door to swing it open outwards, Gabriel stepping back after entering the code to make room for it to open.

"If that was meant to make me less anxious then you're doing a terrible job," Adrien sighed as he followed his father through the now wide-open door shortly before the motors once again returned to life and sealed the vault that made up the secretive lower levels of the Agreste Manor,

"I'm being serious Adrien. These things won't be pleasant for you to see, but you need to see them, we are in the endgame of our project, and from there things will get better, with great sacrifices being made along the way, sacrifices needed for our recovery from all of us, a sacrifice now demanded from you, a sacrifice your mother and I couldn't have foreseen," Gabriel started, gripping Adrien by the shoulder and staring him down as he spoke, effectively silencing Adrien, who was becoming increasingly concerned by every word that fell from his father's mouth all whilst trying to free his shoulder from his grasp. "If only we knew the replicant plan was doomed from the start," He mumbled under his breath as his eyes faltered, only further proving to feed into his sons fear, "We never planned for it to be this way, but the plan we did have already took so much that you don't even know from us, I even had to keep Natalie on the side lines and ask her to focus upon you over the project after what happened before she ran into the same fate. Believe me when I say if there was another way then I'd take it without a doubt, but there isn't, and we're too far now to walk away." Adrien remained silent for a good few minutes after his father had finished monologuing, mentally reciting the grounding exercises Natalie had talked him through whenever he began to slip into an episode,

"Gabriel, you can see the boys scared as is, what are you thinking? You're making it sound like you're about to offer your son as some sort of demonic sacrifice to bring him back," Natalie interjected on Adrien's behalf as soon as it became clear on Gabriel's face that the lengthy monologue to attempt to explain the family secret to his son, although failing to explain anything at all, was about to resume, "What a mystery where the tabloids got the idea he murdered his wife from," she whispered under her breath, not meaning for anyone to hear the thoughts she voiced, yet it became clear someone had when Adrien tensed even further from the reminder of the countless newspaper covers she had shielded the already fragile boy from and the vast amount of interviews with magazines that she found herself intervening in due to their insistence on quizzing him on these conspiracy theories to try make a headline. It was clear from Gabriel's expression that he was far from pleased by Natalie's words, yet he decided against making a further scene than they already had after catching another glimpse of his son and the tension radiating from him, instead opting to turn around and lead them into a room with a long bridge leading towards an area where a capsule stood, basked in the light from a large window that puzzled Adrien as to how he had never noticed from the other side, choosing to focus upon this relatively trivial mystery over everything his father had said and everything he had seen in this new area he would have never even considered the existence of before being presented with, which Gabriel lead them across the metal footbridge towards,

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