Chapter 25

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Author P.O.V

"Y'all let's go for a walk" King suggests stretching his arms over his shoulder cracking his back a little. He lets out a satisfied sigh as he feels the tension on his back slowly disappear after accidentally cracking it.

"We should it's nice outside" Dom agrees looking out the window noticing there's a nice breeze outside. The kinda breeze that makes you wanna go for a walk.

"Last time we went for a walk we got exposed to corpses" Andre states with a hint of attitude in his voice while scrolling through TikTok like he wasn't the one at fault for that incident.

"Who's bright idea was it to go Trick or Treating?" King questions giving Andre a pointed look. Andre rolls his eyes knowing that he's never gonna live down the fact that he was the reason why they were in this mess in the first place.

"Yeah, Yeah that's what I thought," King says satisfied with Andre's lack of response.

"Can y'all not? there's no use in sitting here and pointing fingers" Dom states giving King a look of disapproval. Dom sometimes makes the mistake of thinking King can be mature when it comes down to an argument with Andre, but boy is he wrong. King is the pettiest of them all along believes wholeheartedly that the person who made the be a bigger person quote was a bitch who couldn't fight.

"He's the one who started it talkin to me in that tone" King mumbles with a huff managing to look and sound childish.

"Be the bigger person" Dom states with an eye roll which is a mistake cause King makes a stank face.

"My balls are already the bigger person fuck outta here" King argues in a serious voice making both Andre and Dom laugh not expecting him to say something that vulgar.

"The shit that comes outta your mouth make my day," Dom says wiping away fake tears.

"My bAlLs aLrEaDy tHe BigGeR pErSoN" Andre mimics laughing his ass off.

"You know what just for that we going for a walk," Andre says finally getting up from the seat he's sitting in.

And that's how the three boys ended up walking around outside until the sun started setting and hiding behind white clouds. 

"White people should be called cloud roaches" King states after scrolling through TikTok for too long and ending up on the racist and anti-black side.

This happens to me a lot then I have to close the whole app and not open it for a few days ☠️

"Someone called them Columbus cadets," Dom says laughing remembering the video. People are getting creative on TikTok and he can't even be mad the names are really funny.

"How are people so creative when coming up wit that shit" Andre questions shaking his head because some of the names people have for white people on TikTok had him rolling for days on end. 

"My supporters keep asking for content and I'm like hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I don't know," Dom says doing the dramatic hand movement making his friends laugh.

"You never post but every time you do you go viral it makes no type of sense" Kind says smacking his lips.

"I guess I'm lucky" Dom states shrugging his shoulders.  He doesn't even use TikTok like that he just does it for fun.

"Excuse me"

The three boys turn around and are meant with a beautiful tall woman.

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