Author's P.O.V
When the three boys get into there house Dominique is the first one to start panicking and pacing around, Andre is the first one to start crying and rambling, and King is the first one to head to the fridge to get a snack and a drink cause lord knows he needs one at the moment.
"There were dead bodies like what the fuck I didn't ask to see that, then the blood oh my god the blood I think I'm gonna throw up" Andre rants whipping his tears away Andre is one of those people who can't tolerate seeing large amounts of blood. It might be because of the horrifying image he saw when he was younger but we'll never know for sure.
"I know Andre but you're gonna have to breath okay just breath and let the image go" Dominique says in a soft voice kneeling down beside Andre whipping away his teardrops from his cheeks.
"Y'all this chicken is so damn good" King says out of no where walking out of the kitchen with a fried chicken leg in one hand and a cup of water in the other. Both Andre and Dominique turn to him with very unimpressed expression. How can this boy have the appetite to eat?!
"What? this is me trying to forget about what I saw don't judge me" King defends himself with a scoff as he sits on the couch with his leg bouncing up and down out of stress.
"Ight I ain't no snitch but I'm calling the popo" Dominique says pulling out his phone and dialing 911 without hesitation.
"911 what's your emergency?" The lady picks up not missing a beat.
"Yeah my friends and I just saw our neighbors cleaning up three dead bodies and they had the murder weapon it would be great if you got here quick" Dominique explains into the phone with a normal voice. Andre and King are surprised he's able to pull it off cause they both know if it were them they would be panicking, freaking out, and they would be doing the most.
"Okay I understand but what did the murder weapons look like?" the lady questions in a calm voice that almost manages to piss King off.
"Uh they were guns" Dominique answers quickly into the phone not missing a beat. How can he forget the guns were pointed towards his just minutes ago.
"What kind of guns?" The lady questions again but this time King does get agitated and grabs the phone out of Dominique's hand.
"Lady can you just get the popo over here quickly and ask questions later?" King asks with a large amount of attitude and annoyance in his voice.
"Okay" the lady says cutting the phone off King looks at the phone confused and shrugs his shoulders he thought the lady on the phone is suppose to stay on until the cops actually get here.
"Wow now we're certified snitches for life" Andre says snuffling softly while King and Dominique let out soft laughs at his words.
"Now we wait" Dominique sighs deeply letting himself fall onto the comfortable couch this is above his pay grade. He should've never agreed on going trick or treating with his two best friends.
After at twenty minutes of waiting for the cops to saw up there's a knock at the door. And it turns out to be a cop who asks a few questions before marching over to the boys next doors house after understanding the situation with two other cops behind him.
Dominique, Andre, and King watch the cops burst into the house not bothering to knock yelling words like "get down!" They don't know what happens after that because all they see after a few minutes of waiting outside is the three boys next door in handcuffs appear to be walking out of their house with blank expressions on their faces.
No panic, no guilt, no fear, their faces are just blank.....just blank emotionless faces. It makes the three other boys wonder what they're thinking or what's going through their heads.
Before the last boy gets into the cop car he holds intense eye contact with Dominique for a few minutes that feel like a million before getting into the cop car.
"Ew one of them just made eye contact with me" Dominique says ignoring the chills that were sent through his body while he looked into the boys eyes.
A cop walks over to them and starts explaining that there were no dead bodies found in the house but what was seen as suspicious was that the house smelled like bleach mixed with an intense smell of blood and the armed guns on the three man that were said to be the murder weapons.
"Okay thank you officer we appreciate it" Dominique says politely with a soft smile on his face the officer nods tilting his head before walking off to his car and driving away the three boys watch the car till it disappears before sighing and heading back inside their house their hearts at ease knowing the murders are gone and are never gonna be seen again.
Or so they thought.
Duh duh duhhhhh

Boys Next Door
Short Story"Y'all we should go trick or treating" "So. . . .no candy?" OR trick or treating goes wrong, but does it??