Author P.O.V
Trey and Shawn are currently fucking on a bed.
let me stop 😭
Trey and Shawn are currently sitting in a meeting room with well-known criminals. One of them could be the one who put the bounty on King, Dom, and Andre. Trey honestly doesn't know why he bothers with the people in the room, but it's not like he's any better than them. Believe it or not, criminals have to communicate about things despite how much they hate each other over the competition.
"Trey is it true you murdered the leader for child trafficking and everyone involved with it?" What's his name questions like it's any of his business. All Trey did is kill important faces of said trafficking ring and free children from where they were being held. It died off on its own after not being able to start the disgusting business up again.
"Wow, it almost sounds like you in our business like it concerns you" Shawn states answering for Trey who wasn't gonna entertain the question in the first place. He'd rather the people in the room use their imagination. They already know he despises working with anyone involved in human trafficking. He wasn't about to let his name be associated with one of those groups because one of his men thought it was a good idea to start selling drugs to them behind his back. Did he honestly think Trey wouldn't find out?
"You're like a dog always foll-" before what's his name can finish his sentence Shawn pulls out his gun and shoots him in the shoulders without hesitation. The men in the room tense up as well they knew it was coming. Everyone in the room knows having mutual respect for one another is important to an extent. So speaking to each other crazy is the best way to get killed.
"Next time I'll aim for the head," Shawn says in a promising tone. People hear the way Jordyn talks to him once and they think they get a free pass to do so as well. Shawn will never understand that logic because why are you trying to die so fast? Jordyn is setting these people up for failure.
Shawn gives the man an innocent smirk watching as one of his men starts wrapping bandages around his shoulder to apply pressure, and to stop the heavy bleeding. Shawn swears he didn't hit a major artery there if he did well they can blame Jordyn for misinforming him.
"We're here to talk about issues we have and plans so let's do that" One of the men says being just as done as Trey with everyone in the room.
"I'll tell you my issue one of your men shot at mine yesterday!" a man shouts from across the table. Trey situates himself and gets ready to watch a fight break out between the two.
"Your men are annoying you know that? always going around acting all big and mighty it was bound to happen" the other shrugs. Another issue Trey has with these people is the lack of control they have over their men. It starts so many unnecessary fights between the groups and adds to the hatred they have for one another.
"You should indeed control them more" another adds on. So much for that issue, it's obvious that their leader needs to work on their leadership skills to solve his big issue. The man with the issue punches the table out of anger. His men are an extension of himself, so if he keeps going around acting big and mighty his men are too.
"My only issue is with everyone's little minions but Trey's cause they know how to act. Why the fuck are they going around conducting drive-by shootings? control your people" another man adds on.
"You acting like yours don't do the same thing" Someone argues back.
"Within good reason" the man with the issue states obviously.
"I have an idea why don't y'all just sort out your big egos and tell your men to stop going around acting stupid because they might shoot at one of ours and y'all don't that do you?" Shawn questions. From what he's heard these people just need to stop being so overconfident, and their men will stop being that as well.
Boys Next Door
Short Story"Y'all we should go trick or treating" "So. . . .no candy?" OR trick or treating goes wrong, but does it??