Chapter 4

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Author P.O.V

"Aye big head you did you have to waste so many bullets on three people?" Shawn questions Trevon rolling his eyes dramatically acting as if he didn't also throw some shots at the three dead man in front of them.

"Just clean the damn mess up nigga" Trey answers smacking his teeth at his right hand man he always feels agitated when after killing it's best not to annoy him after he kills someone.

"cLeAn tHe dAmN mEsS nigga do I look like the clean up crew? You come clean ThE dAmE mEsS" Shawn snaps mocking Trey in every way possible. Trey simply gives Shawn a pointed look that causes Shawn to start getting cleaning supply.

"I always do everything my my damn self in this damned house" Shawn mutters as he starts wiping the blood off the floor with a towel that's soaked in bleach with rubber gloves on.

It would be wrong to say that Shawn fears Trey its more of a mutual respect kind of thing between them. Sometimes Shawn disrespects Trey gets a look and he fixes it. Sometime Trey disrespects Shawn gets a few hits, rarely a look, and he fixes it. They're equal to one another and they respect that.

"Nigga you sound like a whole momma just clean the mess up" Jordyn says still trying to get clean up crew to show up on his phone but they apparently think they get a god damn day off.

"Nigga can y'all at least help me since clean up crew ain't gonna show up any time soon?" Shawn asks getting angry with his two best friend he thinks that instead of talking and telling him to clean it maybe they should help him to get things done faster. His request goes ignored but that doesn't mean he's gonna stop asking and complaining.

"When one of y'all's mommas show up out of no where talking about some I MiSsEd mY sOn then y'all will learn how to help a nigga clean blood" Shawn continues not planning to stop until his two best friends decide to get down from their high horses and help him clean.

"Jokes on your ugly ass I don't talk to my momma" Jordyn says as a matter of fact causing Shawn to roll his eyes he really wants to bitch slap his two best friends.

"My momma dead or I least I think she is" Trey states shrugging his shoulders you would think that statement would make the room go into an awkward silence or make Shawn shut up but he continues talking.

"Nigga it don't mean she can't pop out of no where and say hello" Shawn defends causing both Trey and Jordyn to roll their eyes. Shawn could go on for hours just talking and talking until he falls asleep one of the many traits people hate. Shawn never shuts up.

"Shawn shut your ass up my nigga" Jordyn says kissing his teeth getting annoyed with the boy Shawn gives him a stank look before going back to cleaning the blood.

"Eh eh how the fuck am I suppose to clean this shit up if them dead bodies just keep making the floor dirtier with their bleeding?" Shawn questions with agitation and irritation again ready to throw hands.

"Just clean it" Jordyn and Trey say at the same time getting annoyed with the man in front of them who can't seem to shut up and do a simple job.

"man I can't believe clean up crew ain't show up to clean this shit up who the fuck do they think they are" Shawn says kissing his teeth scrubbing the floor out of anger he's tired of people thinking they can just walk away from their assigned jobs.

When Shawn and the other two boys suddenly hear footsteps near the kitchen entrance they all pull out their guns and point towards where the noise is coming from.

They find three boys at their kitchen entrance with horrified expressions on their faces. Two of them look like they're about to faint, the other one is trying to figure out what's happening. Jordyn, Shawn, and Trey lower their guns realizing they're just kids.

"I told you it was real blood" One of the boys mutters almost managing to make Shawn laugh because of course that's the most important thing at the moment.

"Boo" Shawn says cracking up when the three boys jump back abruptly like that was actually suppose to scare them. Shawn receives a smack on the back of his head from Jordyn.

"Ouch shit fuck you, you fucking cunt" Shawn hisses rubbing the back of his head trying to ease his pain. He can't help it if he's a whole clown.

"Leave" Trey demands not leaving any room for arguments or questions even just wants them gone so he can get some sleep and rest, the day keeps getting more stressful by the minute and he ain't having it.

Two of the boys do the most logical thing and listen but one stays behind and says the words " candy?" in the softest voice possible. Causing Shawn to smirk and send him a wink. One of the boys comes back and grabs the boy who stays and drags him away.

The boys disappear in under minute but not before one of the boys receive a wave and smile from Trey after making eye contact while looking over their shoulder.


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